For those of you who aren’t British, you might not have kept up with what happened to the once almost-prime minister Jeremy Corbyn and the Labour Party over the past few years. Here’s a 30-second, way to reductive rundown. Jeremy Corbyn is like Britain’s Bernie Sanders, except more left-wing. And he never gave 135 speeches endorsing war criminal Hillary Clinton—so that’s always a plus!
Corbyn became the leader of one of Britain’s main two parties, the Labour Party, and under him, party membership doubled across Britain—which is quite an accomplishment because British people don’t get excited about anything less than a nameless meat, baked into a pie of some sort. People loved Corbyn! He was poised to become prime minister and reside at 10 Downing Street. This means a socialist who talks about human rights abuses against Palestinians and other Western war crimes could’ve been running the U.K.
The British ruling elite could not allow a socialist with a soul to run the British Empire—or at least what’s left of the British Empire. So they made up false accusations about anti-Semitism, repeated the accusations 900 times, and ultimately destroyed Corbyn’s career.
Leaks back in 2020 showed that Anti-Corbyn Labour officials worked to lose the general election to oust him.
A faction of Corbyn’s own party was working to make sure their team lost the general election, in order to oust Corbyn as leader, and ruin his career.
Since that time, a goon, imitation-Tony Blair named Keir Starmer—which sounds like one of the Sith Lords—has taken over the Party and put it back where it belongs—a sad liberal group of corporate tools wearing pastels who endorse unfettered capitalism and wouldn’t call Israel an apartheid state if their lives depended on it.
Much like at a stadium bathroom during a 12-inning baseball game, the leaks have continued. Just a few weeks ago, Al Jazeera came out with a series called “The Labour Files” which revealed what actually went on inside the party. The information has largely been ignored by all mainstream media, even though it’s “…the largest leak in British political history… The leaked data comprises 500 gigabytes of documents, emails, video and audio files from the Labour Party, dating from 1998 to 2021.”
So perhaps it says something about the mainstream media that they’re ignoring the largest political leak in British history!
The revelations are no small story, and yet they are intentionally getting buried and ignored by the British ruling class.
Here are some of the things this leak revealed:
“The weaponization of antisemitism by the right-wing of the Labour Party to hinder Jeremy Corbyn’s chances of becoming Prime Minister.”
And let’s just be clear here, they don’t mean the weaponization of real antisemitism. They mean using Corbyn’s principled stance supporting Palestinian rights against him by endlessly calling him antisemitic. The media helped create this perception with articles like, “Why British Jews Are Worried by Jeremy Corbyn” and “No apology from Jeremy Corbyn over Labour anti-Semitism claims.”
This is kind of like yelling at a presidential candidate, “Will you apologize for having sex with that donkey?”
Of course, the guy doesn’t apologize because he didn’t have sex with a donkey, but the next day the newspaper headline reads, “Presidential Candidate Refuses to Apologize For Sex With Donkey!”
So the press—which let’s not forget is owned by some of the richest people in the world—kept hammering away at this story, even when they knew there wasn’t anything there.
Watch the full report above.