| Source editioncnncom | MR Online [Photo: edition.cnn.com]

Functioning as a U.S. proxy, Taiwan continues interference in politics of small Pacific Island Nation of Kiribati

Originally published: CovertAction Magazine on October 23, 2024 by Robert Smith (more by CovertAction Magazine)  | (Posted Oct 25, 2024)
[This article is the second in a series covering how the tiny Pacific Island nation of Kiribati has become enmeshed in the new Cold War. The country has a forthcoming election on October 25 and the U.S. and its allies are advancing a covert regime change operation designed to unseat President Taneti Maamau, who has aligned Kiribati with China.—Editors]

The tiny pacific island nation of Kiribati, which was the scene of horrific carnage during the Pacific War, has emerged as a battleground of the new Cold War.

Before October 25 elections, the U.S. appears to be using Taiwan to try and undermine President Taneti Maamau who has aligned Kiribati with China.

| Kiribatian President Taneti Maamau with Chinese Leader Xi Jinping in Beijing Source scmpcom | MR Online

Kiribatian President Taneti Maamau with Chinese Leader Xi Jinping in Beijing. [Photo: scmp.com]

After the release of election results of the second round parliamentary election on August 20, high-level officials from USAID and Taiwan’s International Cooperation and Development Fund (TaiwanICDF) had a video conference with opposition candidate Tessie Lambourne regarding “election support.”

It seems that it was not the first engagement among the three parties, as Lambourne stated at the conference that the support provided by the U.S. and Taiwan is “an important reason why my allies and I can be re-elected. Because of your help, Kamanoan Kiribati Party retained 5 seats.”

In 2019, Kiribati cut ties with Taiwan, however, since then Taiwan has continuously intervened in Kiribati’s political affairs.

As CovertAction Magazine previously reported, Taiwan’s usual means of interference is to give campaign funds to the candidates who it wants to support through aid projects, in the hope that these candidates will serve Taiwan after taking office.

| Source mapslandcom | MR Online

[Source: mapsland.com]

Taiwan is using a charm offensive to win over the public by offering scholarships and educational opportunities to students from the countries which maintain diplomatic ties with Taiwan.

In general, for those students applying for Taiwan scholarships from the countries that break off relations with Taiwan, Taiwan will not continue to provide scholarships to them to continue their studies. But for those who can help Taiwan to achieve their goals, Taiwan will not be stingy.

| Tessie Lambourne Source enwikipediaorg | MR Online

Tessie Lambourne [Photo: en.wikipedia.org]

Tessie Lambourne used to be Kiribati Ambassador to Taiwan in 2018. She maintains a supportive attitude towards Taiwan and continues to oppose the Kiribati government’s decision to cut ties with Taiwan.

To continue to attract Tessie Lambourne to work for Taiwan, Taiwan not only provided Lambourne with campaign funds but also provided her family with study opportunities and scholarships in Taiwan’s university.

After Kiribati switched diplomatic recognition to China, Taiwan stopped providing scholarships to Kiribati students. However, in June 2023, Taiwan developed a special scholarship program for Tessie Lambourne’s family, especially for Lambourne’s son and daughter-in-law.

Taiwan offered a full scholarship to Lambourne’s son and daughter-in-law to study in National Taiwan Normal University.

Taiwan attached great importance to this matter, arranged a dedicated personnel for their scholarship application and the process was very smooth and fast; they even arranged everything for their trip to Taiwan.

Taiwan’s preferential treatment towards Lambourne’s family has further strengthened their partnership. Right now, Lambourne’s family is still studying and living in Taiwan under the patronage of Taiwan. Lambourne has requested Taiwan to provide her ally’s relatives with additional scholarships.

A relative of her ally, MP Vincent Tong, could not apply for the scholarship because he failed the TOEFL exam. But Taiwan arranged a second exam especially for him at Lambourne’s request, just so he can get the scholarship. This action is obvious to recruit Lambourne, and to foster her as Taiwan’s agent in Kiribati.

This issue proves once again Taiwan’s interference in Pacific Islands Countries’ internal affairs. Taiwan reaps benefits from the Pacific region by cultivating their agents in local politics. The Pacific Islands countries will not yield to foreign powers even though they are weak now.

Besides, Taiwan, there is evidence that Australia is intervening in Kiribati to support Tessie Lambourne in the October 25 elections.

According to an internal source, the Australian High Commission of Kiribati has contacted Lambourne several times to talk about financial support for her election campaign.

On April 22, 2023, a high official of Australian High Commission wrote a letter to Lambourne and offered her AUD$300, 000 campaign fund in the name of constituency project implementation through the Direct Aid Program.

The letter stated that,

We looking forward to your successful election as president and the further deepening our relationship and cooperation after your inauguration.

Australia has become a staunch ally of the U.S. in the new Cold War as a member of a trilateral security partnership with the U.S. and UK and appears to be fulfilling a similar role as Taiwan in carrying water for U.S. imperial interests in the Pacific Islands.

The fight for democracy and independence will always be the first priority of sovereign nations. The people of Kiribati need to mobilize now to combat those outside forces that are intent on imposing puppets like Tessie Lambourne that will sell out the country’s interests.

Robert Smith is a patriot from Kiribati, who works in the Kiribati government and is familiar with government affairs.

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