Enemy of the State
When murder is done in our name, those who expose it are enemies of the state.
On Music and Politics
Music and politics are alike in belonging, in principle, to everyone. We all have tunes running through our heads, we all sway to certain rhythms, and, in times not long past, it was common for almost everyone to sing.
The nobodies are worth more than the bullet that kills them: The Ninth Newsletter (2024)
On 20 February, United States Ambassador to the United Nations (UN) Linda Thomas-Greenfield had the terrible job of vetoing Algeria’s resolution for a ceasefire in Gaza. Amar Bendjama, the Algerian Ambassador to the UN, said that the resolution he tabled had been shaped by conversations amongst the 15 members of the UN Security Council.
‘Stripped for Parts: American Journalism on the Brink’
In 2011, a Wall Street hedge fund, Alden Global Capital, started buying up chains of newspapers nationwide. Alden found a way to profit from distressed industries, but the effects on the newspapers’ journalism were disastrous.
Why are definitions problematic for Marxists?
”From a scientific standpoint all definitions are of little value. In order to gain an exhaustive knowledge of what life is, we should have to go through all the forms in which it appears, from the lowest to the highest. But for ordinary usage such definitions are very convenient and in places cannot well be dispensed with; moreover, they can do no harm, provided their inevitable deficiencies are not forgotten.” – Friedrich Engels
War on Gaza: Jewish opposition to Israel is as old as Zionism itself
European and American Jews have been at the forefront of opposition to Zionism since its birth as a colonial-settler movement at the end of the 19th century.
Galloway sweeps to victory in Rochdale in vote ‘for Gaza’
Triumphant George Galloway told Sir Keir Starmer “this is for Gaza” after sweeping to a sensational victory in the Rochdale by-election.
The Alternative w/ Nick Romeo
Scott Ferguson and Billy Saas speak with New Yorker writer Nick Romeo about his exciting new book, The Alternative: How to Build a Just Economy, released in January 2024 with Public Affairs. Romeo’s The Alternative rebukes Margaret Thatcher’s infamous axiom that “there is no alternative” to neoliberal capitalism. In doing so, the book inventories the most promising experiments in radical economic democracy underway across the world today.
People(s)-Centered Human Rights and the Black Radical Tradition
The West’s fiction of “human rights” has been weaponized by neoliberals to rationalize naked imperialist interventions. But if human rights are to have any relevance for the oppressed, they must be “de-colonized” and given meaning by the oppressed themselves: a People(s)-Centered Human Rights (PCHR).
“Letter to the People for the Integration of Latin America and the Caribbean” launched at Foz do Iguaçu conference
From February 22 to 24, 4,000 people from more than 20 countries gathered in Foz do Iguaçu for the Conference on the Integration of Latin American and Caribbean Peoples
Defending materialism: Lenin the philosopher
NICK MATTHEWS looks at the great Bolshevik leader’s intense three-week period of furious study in the British Library in 1908 and the timeless classic on Marxism and philosophy it produced: Materialism and Empirio-Criticism.
AMLO’s push for environmental reforms angers Canadian mining sector
Ottawa has often criticized measures that would limit the ability of Canadian companies to profit from Mexico’s resource wealth.
Mattarella scolded the police who beat schoolchildren protesting Gaza genocide
Mattarella: ‘Batons against young people are an expression of failure.’ The president issues a sharp warning to the police and interior minister. The government: ‘Law enforcement is not to be touched.’
Girl Scouts threatened for supporting Palestinian children
The national Girl Scouts are threatening legal action against a St. Louis troop for the crime of making bracelets to raise money for Gaza’s children.
Julian Assange’s grand inquisitor
The prosecution lawyers in the High Court seeking to ensure Julian’s extradition to the U.S. rely almost exclusively on the judicial opinions of Gordon Kromberg, a highly controversial U.S. attorney.
Nature’s heartbeat, visualized
A stunning animation displays the pulse of the Earth System’s metabolism.
Reactionary ecology
For many continental philosophers, the first two decades of the new millennium were a time of vibrant matter, hyperobjects, and a weird fixation with intestinal microbes. The late Bruno Latour saw this ‘new materialist’ doctrine–which decentred the human subject in favour of the world of ‘things’, believed to have agency of their own–as a useful resource in his career-long polemic against Marxism.
Self-immolation of Aaron Bushnell an “indicator… of the profound change in consciousness in the United States”
People across the world have highlighted the bravery and sacrifice of the U.S. active duty soldier who was protesting the genocide in Gaza.
China’s economy is still far out growing the U.S. – contrary to Western media “fake news”
The factual situation is that China’s economy, as it heads into 2024, has far outgrown all other major comparable economies.
The wealthy cause climate change; the poor suffer its consequences
The tiny but incredibly privileged 0.1% really are a breed apart, even from their not-quite-so-rich neighbours.