Enslaved by nonprofits: How NGO’s colonize developing countries
November 21 marked the 28th anniversary of the signing of the U.S.-brokered Dayton Agreement, which brought an end to the proxy war in Bosnia after three years and eight months.
Silent ‘genocide’: Israel’s war on Palestinian Bedouin communities in West Bank
They left behind their homes with everything in them and were not able to return, not even to collect their belongings. Anyone who dared to go back was beaten, arrested, or had his vehicle burned.
Institutional COVID denial has killed public health as we knew it. Prepare to lose several centuries of progress.
Public health cannot be individualized. Abandoning collective approaches to disease mitigation is a recipe for disaster.
Sequencing Revolt: How Grandmothers Fought the Argentinian Military Dictatorship and Revolutionized Science
The dictatorship in Argentina—one of the cruelest and bloodiest in the region—was in full swing. Among the thirty thousand disappeared by the state were an estimated five hundred babies and children, either taken along with their parents or born in the camps under brutal, inhumane conditions. Their grandmothers would do anything to find them.
The only right that Palestinians have not been denied is the right to dream: The Fifth Newsletter (2024)
On 26 January, the judges at the International Court of Justice (ICJ) found that it is ‘plausible’ that Israel is committing a genocide against Palestinians in Gaza.
Has China really reached the end of its economic boom?
China’s state sector still has a powerful ability to sustain investment and production.
March against genocide isn’t news to New York Times
It’s hard to get an independent estimate of the number of people who showed up—Palestinians and Americans of all ages and races, including Jewish Americans, arriving from all parts of the country.
From the Siege of Leningrad to the Siege of Gaza: Colonialist mentality
Eighty years ago, on January 27, 1944, people in the street were hugging each other and weeping with joy. They were celebrating the end of a nearly 900 days brutal siege. Soviet forces lifted the siege of Leningrad after ferocious battles. Exactly a year later they liberated Auschwitz.
Canada’s oilsands are a toxic nightmare
The poisonous waste, and deadly carbon emissions produced by oilsands production is even worse than had been thought, and production must stop, argues John Clarke.
The real border crisis: Texas vs. the Constitution
The United States is on the verge of a constitutional crisis, one that enlivens the nationalist fervor of Trump America and that centers on a violent, racist closed-border policy.
More than a million and a half people hit the streets against Milei’s ‘adjustment’
The general strike against the austerity measures and the Omnibus Law was strongly felt throughout the country yesterday.
From protest movements to revolutionary change
Brazilian informant says, “A lot of my generation were inspired by the Zapatistas… but how did we find out about them? From Rage Against the Machine.”
For Western media, Israel’s bombing of Gaza is not ‘deadly’
Right across the Anglo-American mainstream media, the killing of Palestinians is seen as normal. It’s only Israeli lives that matter.
‘Swarming’ the U.S. in West Asia, until it folds
The U.S. is so deeply mired in an unwinnable battle from the Levant to the Persian Gulf that only its adversaries in China, Russia, and Iran can bail it out.
Dossier no. 72: The churning of the global order
In January 2023, a reporter from Yomiuri Shimbun asked the press secretary of Japan’s foreign ministry, Hikariko Ono, for a definition of the term ‘Global South’.
Groundwater around the world is rapidly depleting, finds study
Reductions in groundwater can make it harder for people to access freshwater to drink or to irrigate crops and can result in land subsidence.
Canada imposes catch-all definition of “espionage” as part of bellicose anti-China furor
In a decision with far-reaching implications for democratic rights, a Federal Court has endorsed the Canadian government’s imposition of a sweeping new definition of espionage.
Lenin’s ‘Last Testament’: The prophetic last words of a Marxist for our times
The myth that Lenin led to Stalin is exposed by Lenin’s Last Testament which argues for more democracy and removing Stalin from power, writes John Westmoreland.
CITGO: A multi-billion dollar heist?
A detailed and interactive infographic to recap how CITGO came to face its looming breakup as creditors line up for a court-ordered auction.
Israeli forces kill two brothers along Gaza evacuation route
Two brothers were shot dead in front of their family on an evacuation route in Gaza as they were heeding Israeli instructions to flee their home in Khan Younis. The parents have told Al Jazeera they thought a white flag would keep them safe.