•  | Marching in Dokki Street Giza Egypt January 26 2012 by Hossam el HamalawyFlickr CC By 20 DEED | MR Online

    From protest movements to revolutionary change

    Brazilian informant says, “A lot of my generation were inspired by the Zapatistas… but how did we find out about them? From Rage Against the Machine.”

  •  | September climate rally in Sydney Photo Zebedee Parkes | MR Online

    Greta Thunberg: ‘Wake up and treat the climate emergency as an emergency’

    Climate activist Greta Thunberg was interviewed by ABC’s 7.30 presenter Sarah Ferguson on November 3. Below is a transcript of the interview.

  •  | Climate change is altering landscapes and river transport systems in Europe Image Rachel Claire | MR Online

    Europe dries up

    Scenes and pictures have been circulating of broken earth, lacking moisture, cracked and yearning. But these are not from traditional drought-stricken parts of the planet, where the animal carcass assumes near totemic power amidst dry riverbeds or desert expanses.

  •  | Kurt Vonnegut Photo vonnegutmoviecom | MR Online

    New film documents life of anti-war writer

    Vonnegut, like the novel’s Billy Pilgrim, witnessed the effects of the Allied fire-bombing of Dresden in World War II—a massacre and a war crime. In the novel, Pilgrim mentally flees the terrible memories by fantasising about extraterrestrial time travel, but can’t stop his mind from straying back to the trauma.

  •  | 10 new albums the US Supreme Court judges wont listen to | MR Online

    10 new albums the U.S. Supreme Court judges won’t listen to

    Do you think there’s no good protest music these days? So did I, until I started looking for it. The truth is, it’s always been out there – it’s sometimes just a bit difficult to find. Every month, I search it out, listen to it all, then round up the best of it that relates to that month’s political news. Here’s the round-up for July 2022.

  •  | The Supreme Court has effectively appointed itself decision maker on climate policy | MR Online

    Supreme Court condemns planet and human life

    In a 6‒3 decision, the United States Supreme Court ruled on June 30 against the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) ability to regulate greenhouse gas emissions, a move that signals a major setback in the fight against climate change.

  •  | Used with permission of Alan Moir moircomau | MR Online

    How the rich are burning our future

    Annual global carbon emissions grew by 60% between 1990 and 2015, approximately doubling total global cumulative emissions in 25 years and catapulting the world towards catastrophic climate change.