Environmental injustice in India: Jaduguda Uranium Mining Cluster
Adivasis (literally, “original inhabitants”, equivalent to “indigenous peoples”) have been and are being sacrificed in the union government’s uranium mining and processing projects in what is now the State of Jharkhand, earlier the State of Bihar, where the public enterprise, Uranium Corporation of India Ltd (UCIL) began underground uranium mining and processing plant, twenty-four km west of Jaduguda.
On some peremptory ‘critiques’ of India’s Maoist movement
Revolutions are very costly in terms of human lives and suffering, and so “we” are shocked that “you” radicals even consider them as options. And so “we” have to express “our” rejection and condemnation.
Amidst pandemic, while billions struggle for survival, billionaires’ wealth tops $10 trillion
Billionaires are “smart” enough. Their wealth now, in this pandemic, tops trillions of dollars.