Leading Presidential Candidates Out of Step on Health Care

“Do you support national (single-payer) health care insurance?”

Click on the chart for a larger view.
US General Public on Health Care

Three Leading US Presidential Candidates on Health Care


U.S. General Public: An AP-Yahoo! News survey of more than 1,800 people conducted Dec.14-20, 2007, by Knowledge Networks.

U.S. Physicians: “Support for National Health Insurance among American Physicians: Five Years Later.” A survey of over 2,000 physicians, by A. E. Carroll and R. T. Ackermann, Annals of Internal Medicine, April 2008.

U.S. Presidential Candidates: *Answer inferred from each candidate’s official website.  None publically support national (single payer) health insurance.  See:

Click here to download “Leading Presidential Candidates Out of Step on Health Care” in PDF.

Jacob Werblow was a teacher in the public schools of Los Angeles and San Francisco, before moving to Oregon to complete his doctoral degree.  He recently relocated to Boston, MA, where he is involved in school reform.  Contact: <[email protected]>.

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