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Wednesday, 13 December 2006
To: Dr. Mohamed ElBaradei
Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA),
Following comments and remarks during the week of December 10th 2006 by designated US Secretary of Defense, Robert Gates, and Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert concerning the fact that Israel possesses nuclear weapons, we demand that the IAEA commence an immediate and comprehensive investigation into this matter.
We are extremely concerned about the possibility that Israel, a country which refuses to sign the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NTP), possesses the capacities to develop and export nuclear weapons and technologies.
Moreover, we are concerned that this high level and direct acknowledgement of Israel’s nuclear capabilities will drag the Middle East into a nuclear competition, with all of its dangerous implications for the region and for the world.
Sign here the petition:
Dr. Mohamed ElBaradei
Director General de la Agencia Internacional de Energía Atómica (AIEA)
Después de los comentarios hechos durante la semana del 10 de diciembre de 2006 por de los E.E.U.U. por parte del futuro secretario estadounidense de defensa, Robert Gates, y por el Primer Ministro israelí Ehud Olmert que se referían al hecho que Israel posee armas nucleares, exigimos a la AIEA que comience inmediatamente una investigación comprensiva en esta materia.
Nos perturba extremadamente la posibilidad que Israel, un país el cuál rechaza firmar el tratado de no proliferación nuclear (NTP), posea las capacidades de desarrollar y de exportar armas y tecnologías nucleares.
Lo que es más, que las capacidades nucleares de Israel sean reconocidas por personalidades de tan alto nivel arrastrarán a Oriente Medio a una competición nuclear, con todas sus implicaciones peligrosas para la región y para el mundo.
Firma la peticion aquí
The Alternative Information Center (AIC) is a joint Palestinian-Israeli organization which prioritizes political advocacy, critical analysis and information sharing on the Palestinian and Israeli societies as well as on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. In doing so, the AIC promotes responsible co-operation between Palestinians and Israelis based on the values of social and political justice, equality, solidarity, community involvement, and respect for the full inalienable national rights of all Palestinian people.
The AIC believes that true social co-operation and communication between Palestinians and Israelis is possible. We have embodied this ideal for the past twenty years through our joint and collective structure. However, we acknowledge that this can only come to pass in the region if the root cause of the conflict is targeted and challenged — that being the long Occupation and dispossession of the Palestinian people. Based on these convictions, the AIC will continue to work towards the establishment of genuine and responsible grassroots bridges between the two communities.
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