Military Operation in Favelas

Military Operation in Favelas
Seen from
the middle-class spectator’s POV
Seen from
the favela resident’s POV

Carlos Latuff is a Brazilian cartoonist.  Translation by Yoshie Furuhashi (@yoshiefuruhashi | yoshie.furuhashi [at]  Cf. “A year ago I was there to interview a woman who had lost her daughter in a police shootout, a stray bullet having ripped through the tin door of her rickety home and killed the child at night. . . .  The residents of the favelas are still under shock.  No one will speak on camera, and fear of reprisal by the police or drug dealers is widespread. . . .  The rumour is that the top gang members escaped through the sewage system or the forest and are now in nearby slums; in any case, there are many favelas in which to hide, around 700 or so in Rio alone” (Monica Villamizar, “Rio’s Pre-Olympic Woes,” Al Jazeera Blogs, 30 November 2010).

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