Dilma Gives as Good as She Gets, or Better!

After the Band TV debate on 10 October 2010. . . .

Carlos Latuff is a Brazilian cartoonist.  Translation by Yoshie Furuhashi (@yoshiefuruhashi | yoshie.furuhashi [at] gmail.com).  Cf. “Datafolha: Dilma lidera e vencerá o segundo turno” (9 October 2010); “Vox Populi: Dilma tem 54,5% dos votos válidos” (13 October 2010); “CNT/Sensus: Dilma vence com 52,3% dos votos válidos” (14 October 2010).  See, also, Carlos Latuff, “Petrobrás under José Serra and PSDB” (MRZine, 7 October 2010); and Carlos Latuff, “Canvassing for Serra Votes” (MRZine, 9 October 2010).

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