• Bahraini Monarchy and Its Allies Destroying Mosques

    Numerous mosques in Bahrain have been torched, vandalized, and demolished by the oppressive, sectarian Bahraini monarchy and its allies. The Press TV video was released on 5 April 2011 and the Ahlulbayt TV video on 6 April 2011.  Cf. . | Print

  • Fatima, Daughter of Bahraini Martyr Abdul al Rasul Hassan Ali al Hujairi

    “I am Fatima, the daughter of the martyr, and I am honored to have this title.  I want to tell the world: I am brave, courageous, unafraid — that’s what my father used to say — and now I have become braver and braver, thanks to my dear father.” This video was released by Ahlulbayt […]

  • Bahrain: This Is NOT a Sectarian Revolution

    Shias and Sunnis, we stand as brothers, chanting, “We Will Not Sell Our Nation!” This video was released by Ahlulbayt TV on 17 February 2011.  Cf. “Comrade Ibrahim Al-Amin criticizes Aljazeera Arabic for its coverage (or lack thereof) of Bahrain” (As’ad AbuKhalil, “Aljazeera (Ar) and Bahrain,” Angry Arab News Service, 18 February 2011).  | Print