Trump and his distant forerunner
By glorifying the figure of William McKinley, president of the United States between March 4, 1897 and September 14, 1901, Donald Trump is trying to find a universally acclaimed precedent for his controversial policies in the political history of the United States.
Trump: Fast and furious
If anyone still doubts that the United States is the center of an empire, the show put on by the New York tycoon dispels all doubts.
Democratic involution
Javier Milei’s government is sliding Argentina towards a crisis of unprecedented proportions.
Leave Cuba alone
Has Cuba really failed if we do not see, as in the imperial metropolis, entire families sleeping on the streets in the middle of winter or under a scorching sun in the summer, children barefoot and dressed in rags, people rummaging through garbage bins looking for something to eat, or thousands of men and women destroyed by drugs, victims of a society possessed by a cruel individualism which condemns them to wander like zombies through the main cities to feed, with their addictions, the profits of the banking and financial corporations that are the final beneficiaries of drug trafficking, a business of close to a billion dollars annually?
To the Rescue of Lenin
The centenary of the death of Vladimir Illich Ulyanov, Lenin, is an appropriate occasion to invite the younger generations of militants to recover the formidable theoretical legacy of the great Russian revolutionary.
Argentina: Milei’s triumph was a neatly planned media construction
CA: “How could Milei’s triumph, geopolitically speaking, affect the Region?”
AB: “First of all, it will harm Argentina, because, in line with Washington’s demands, it will turn this country into a battering ram to reduce China’s presence in the Region, even at the cost of harming Argentina’s national interests, its exporting sectors and the labor force linked to them.” -
Cuba as a Country sponsoring international terrorism?
A few days before the end of its term in office, the Trump Administration once again included Cuba in the list of countries sponsoring international terrorism together with Iran, North Korea and Syria.
Argentina: The IMF, a euphemism for politics
In recent times, any analysis on Argentine politics or the Argentine economy does not fail to mention the IMF as one of the fundamental, if not decisive, actors of national events. And its influence on the Government’s decision-making process, on what it does or does not do, more than deserves this recognition.
Habermas and the war in Ukraine
The prevailing rarefied ideological climate that Germany and most European countries are suffering from today makes a very cautious call for prudence and negotiation a criminal offense that deserves to be punished with ostracism.
A mass event: only an uprising will create the conditions necessary to resolve this crisis
This deplorable situation will not be resolved by relying on the self-criticism of the federal courts, on its proven (lack of) willingness to self-reform, or on an unproductive dialogue with the beneficiaries of the reactionary mafia occupying Argentinian justice and politics.
A lesson from Simón Bolívar: ‘To Hesitate is to Perish’
Speech in remembrance of the One Hundred and Ninety-first Anniversary of the Liberator Simón Bolívar’s passage to immortality, on December 17, 1830, celebrated at Rivadavia Park in the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, at the foot of the monument to Simón Bolívar.
The coup in Bolivia: five lessons
The Bolivian tragedy eloquently teaches several lessons that our peoples and popular social and political forces must learn and record in their consciences forever. Here, a brief enumeration, on the fly, and as a prelude to a more detailed treatment in the future.
Agony and death of neoliberalism in Latin America
After nearly half a century of pillage, outrage and crimes of all kinds against society and the environment, we witness the downfall of the ruling model promoted enthusiastically by the governments of advanced capitalist countries; institutions like the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank; and self-righteous intellectuals and establishment politicians.