What’s actually going on in Cuba?
Don’t believe everything you read on social media.
Cuba libre to be COVID-libre: Five vaccines and counting
This pandemic has affirmed that public healthcare needs cannot be adequately met under a profit-based system.
Cuba’s contribution to combating COVID-19
COVID-19 surged in the Chinese city of Wuhan in late December 2019, and by January 2020 it had hit Hubei province like a tidal wave, swirling over China and rippling out overseas. The Chinese state rolled into action to combat the spread and to care for those infected.
Che Guevara: The Economics of Revolution
‘I didn’t know Che had any economic ideas’ has been a frequent reply I’ve received when telling people about the topic of my research and my book Che Guevara: The Economics of Revolution. It reflects the caricature of Guevara as a romantic guerrilla fighter with idealist notions of how human beings are motivated […]