The transient “miracles”
Right until 2021 Bangladesh was considered a success story of export-led growth within a neoliberal setting.
The pitfalls of growth under unrestricted trade
The French economist J B Say had believed that there could never be a problem of aggregate demand in any economy, that whatever was produced was ipso facto demanded.
Adam Smith on Bengal and North America
In his opus ‘The Wealth of Nations’ published in 1776 Adam Smith drew a distinction between the progressive state, the stationary state and the declining state.
The specific form of poverty under capitalism
There are roughly four proximate features of capitalist poverty.
AI and employment
This problem, it must be noted, relates exclusively to the application of AI under capitalist conditions; but, capitalism being the reality over much of the world, the threat of AI to the working people remains extremely serious.
Global diffusion of production and the concept of imperialism
THERE has been a significant diffusion of production occurring in the world economy. Many call this phenomenon a shift from a U.S.-led world economy to a “multipolar world economy”, but no matter what one thinks of this description, the fact of diffusion is indubitable.
What is to be done about unemployment?
A distinction is drawn in economics between demand-constrained systems and resource-constrained systems (which for simplicity and symmetry we shall call supply-constrained systems).
How BJP masked its class agenda with false religious narrative
In attacking the wealth tax proposal, the PM whipped up hatred against Muslims, trashed Congress, thereby protecting his super-rich patrons.
Chicanery versus humanity
The students in short are moved by a pure sense of humanity.
The crisis of liberalism
Modern liberalism was developed in response to the Bolshevik Revolution during the capitalist crisis of the inter-war period, as a way of resolving that crisis, and other similar crises that could arise in future, without transcending capitalism.
On the question of the inheritance tax
The neoliberal years, it is generally agreed, have seen a sharp widening of income and wealth inequalities; in India it has even caused an increase in the extent of absolute deprivation.
Rural labour in the Modi years
The two phenomena, a reduction in real wages and a reduction in employment opportunities, in fact go together.
Fetishising the growth rate of GDP
JOHN Stuart Mill was among the foremost liberal thinkers of modern times who wrote extensively on economics and philosophy.
A striking contrast
Reichstag Fire was a crucial event in the conversion of Germany from a liberal democracy into a fascist dictatorship in 1933.
The anatomy of a ‘Hindu Rashtra’
Words can be highly deceptive; and Hindu rashtra is a perfect example of this.
Once more on poverty figures of India
Poverty in short had increased significantly between 2011-12 and 2017-18. After 2017-18 we have had a pandemic, and a lockdown induced by it, from which the economy is just recovering, though unemployment today is higher than before the pandemic.
Capitalist trap for scientific advances
There is a paradox at the core of the efflorescence of science that has occurred over the last millennium.
The descent into barbarism
IN The Junius Pamphlet written from jail in 1915, Rosa Luxemburg had said that the choice before mankind was between barbarism and socialism.
What the GDP hides
There are well-known problems associated with the concept of gross domestic product as well as with its measurement.
The theoretical significance of Lenin’s “Imperialism”
The theoretical position informing “Imperialism” extended Marxism in at least five major ways.