On the significance of the polemical in Marxism
A polemic for revolutionaries is a militant dialogic practice to reveal the contradictions of a position, hammering it down to break open its hardened crust in order to rescue life from the stifle of the canon.
Bethune’s socialized medicine and the public health crisis today
We are at war! The heads of states throughout the globe are posing as chieftains in this quixotic war against an enemy who no one understands.
Engels’ “theoretical moment”?
In Marx and Engels’ Collected Works volume 47, I found a very interesting letter written by Engels to August Bebel. It was written about a month and half after Marx’s death, April 30 1883. Bebel seems to have suggested Engels to move somewhere else in Europe. Engels’ justifications to continue staying in England is quite remarkable.
Terrorism, Mass Hysteria, and Hegemony in India
“Our community is expanding: MRZine viewers have increased in number, as have the readers of our editions published outside the United States and in languages other than English. We sense a sharp increase in interest in our perspective and its history. Many in our community have made use of the MR archive we put […]
Anti-Maoism, McCarthyism, and the Indian State
Being the only “policeman” who “has ever risen to so much influence in India,” Indian National Security Adviser MK Narayanan seldom minces words in revealing the designs of the Indian State for “national security.” He recently pronounced the focus of the state’s strategy against leftist militancy in the country. In an interview with the Straits […]
Nepal and Venezuela:For Popular Democracy, against Ceremonial Democracy
Any serious and honest survey of the Maoist movement would convey the truth that its main agenda has been to establish essential democratic institutions that devolve political and economic power to the masses. In every negotiation with the King and the parliamentary forces, the Maoists have asked for an unconditional constituent assembly, during whose election […]