France: LCR Dissolves Itself to Form NPA
The Revolutionary Communist League (LCR) will soon be no more. On Thursday, 5 February, its activists will vote for its self-dissolution to create the New Anti-Capitalist Party (NPA). Some seven hundred delegates are expected at a four-day conference, 5-8 February, in la Plaine-Saint-Denis (Seine-Saint-Denis), to launch the new party of Olivier Besancenot. The death certificate […]
“A Vote of Conviction Is Now Impossible. One Can Vote Blank or for Ségolène Royal”: An Interview with Michel Onfray, Philosopher and Supporter of a Single Candidate of the Anti-Liberal Left [“Un vote de conviction est désormais impossible. On peut voter blanc ou Ségolène Royal” Entretien avec Michel Onfray, philosophe et partisan d’une candidature unique de la gauche antilibérale]
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