Why I believe what I believe about the Chinese Revolution: The Second Newsletter (2024)
I have tried not only to provide some facts to guide our discussion but also to thread them into the theory of socialism that I believe is most attractive.
We need to reverse the culture of decay and march on the street for a culture of humanity
The final months of 2023 pierced our sense of hope and threw us into a kind of mortal sadness.
The World’s Economic Centre of Gravity is returning to Asia: The Fifty-Second Newsletter (2023)
In October 2023, the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) published its annual Trade and Development Report. Nothing in the report came as a major surprise. The growth of the global Gross Domestic Product (GDP) continues to decline with no sign of a rebound.
Transnational corporations provoke a single scream of horror that runs through the vertebrae of the world: The Fifty-First Newsletter (2023)
Within the United Nations, there is a little-known debate about the status of global tax regulation.
The suffocation of democracy in India
Attacks on the progressive Indian news outlet NewsClick coincided with the suspension of 141 opposition members of Indian parliament, both constituting serious attacks on Indian democracy.
We fight with our eyes. We plant seeds with our hands. We will watch the wheat fill the valley: The Fiftieth Newsletter (2023)
Culture is a vital centre of struggle. It is where people see who they are, learn what they are capable of, and dare to imagine what they would like to build in this world. Art itself does not change the world, but without bringing imagination to life through art, we would resign ourselves to the present.
Your enemies destroyed one Palestine; my wounds populated many Palestines: The Forty-Ninth Newsletter (2023)
The indecency of the phrase ‘humanitarian pause’ is obvious. There is nothing humanitarian about a brief interlude between bouts of horrendous violence. There is no true ‘pause’, merely the calm before the storm continues.
ExxonMobil wants to start a war in Latin America
It is clear that the Venezuelans who came to cast their vote on December 3 in a referendum on the Essequibo region saw this less as a conflict between Venezuela and Guyana and more as a conflict between ExxonMobil and the people of these two Latin American countries
The dangerously appealing style of the Far Right: The Forty-Eighth Newsletter (2023)
Before he won Argentina’s presidential election on 19 November, Javier Milei circulated a video of himself in front of a series of white boards.
A new mood in the world will put an end to the Global Monroe Doctrine: The Forty-Seventh Newsletter (2023)
No war in recent years–not even the ‘shock and awe’ campaign used by the United States against Iraq in 2003–has been as ruthless in its use of force.
The intimate embrace between Liberalism and the Far Right: The Forty-Sixth Newsletter (2023)
One of the curiosities of our time is that the far right is quite comfortable with the established institutions of liberal democracy.
From Gaza and Cuba, they ask–are you human like us?: The Forty-Fifth Newsletter (2023)
More than 10,000 Palestinians have been killed by Israeli armed forces in Gaza since 7 October, nearly half of them children, according to the most recent report by spokesperson for the Gaza Ministry of Health Dr Ashraf Al-Qudra.
How the International Monetary Fund continues to shrink the poorer Nations: The Forty-Third Newsletter (2023)
At Tricontinental: Institute for Social Research, we continue to monitor the IMF’s impact on developing economies, including in our new dossier, How the International Monetary Fund Is Squeezing Pakistan (October 2023).
The Palestinian people are already free: The Forty-Second Newsletter (2023)
This week, from 14–18 October, the Dilemmas of Humanity conference brought together political leaders, activists, and organic intellectuals from around the world to discuss the central problems facing humanity today and strengthen proposals to address them.
We have here, in Africa, everything necessary to become a powerful, modern, and industrialised continent: The Fortieth Newsletter (2023)
In his 1963 book, ‘Africa Must Unite’, Kwame Nkrumah, Ghana’s first president, wrote, ‘We have here, in Africa, everything necessary to become a powerful, modern, industrialised continent.
Shouldn’t the United Kingdom and France relinquish their permanent seats at the United Nations?: The Thirty-Ninth Newsletter (2023)
At its fifteenth summit in August 2023, the BRICS (Brazil-Russia-India-China-South Africa) group adopted the Johannesburg II Declaration, which, amongst other issues, raised the question of reforming the United Nations, particularly its security council. To make the UN Security Council (UNSC) ‘more democratic, representative, effective, and efficient, and to increase the representation of developing countries’, BRICS urged the expansion of the council’s membership to include countries from Africa, Asia, and Latin America.
NATO destroyed Libya in 2011; Storm Daniel came to sweep up the remains: The Thirty-Eighth Newsletter
Three days before the Abu Mansur and Al Bilad dams collapsed in Wadi Derna, Libya, on the night of September 10, the poet Mustafa al-Trabelsi participated in a discussion at the Derna House of Culture about the neglect of basic infrastructure in his city. At the meeting, al-Trabelsi warned about the poor condition of the dams.
Beneath the polycrisis is the singular dilemma of humanity called capitalism: The Thirty-Seventh Newsletter (2023)
Dilemmas of humanity abound. There is little need to look at statistical data to know that we are in a spiral of crises, from the environmental and climate crisis to the crises of poverty and hunger.
What if there had been no coup in Chile in 1973?: The Thirty-Sixth Newsletter (2023)
As Chile’s people, led by the Popular Unity government, took control over their economic and political lives and worked hard to improve their social and cultural worlds, they sent a flare into the sky announcing the great possibilities of socialism.
The people of Niger want to shatter resignation: The Thirty-Fourth Newsletter (2023)
In 1958, the poet and trade union leader Abdoulaye Mamani of Zinder (Niger) won an election in his home region against Hamani Diori, one of the founders of the Nigerien Progressive Party.