‘The closest we’ve been since partition’:Irish reunification on the horizon
Declassified visits Belfast as Ireland appears on the edge of something truly historic, with most agreeing that Brexit was the game-changer.
Preconditions for disaster: “A People’s History of Covid” – extract
In this first of two extracts from Terina Hine’s new book, “A People’s History of Covid”, the impact of inequality and neoliberalism in the UK on the spread of Covid is outlined
Ukrainian mercenaries are expanding their activity in Africa
Every day, there is more and more new evidence of the presence of military special forces of the Ukrainian Main Directorate of Intelligence in Sudan.
Corporations bring ‘slow violence’ to millions
The ruthless pursuit of profit lies behind the tragedy of Palestine as much as the global warming crisis. We should resist it resolutely, writes climate activist MAIR BAIN.
Latin America responds with unanimous condemnation to Ecuador’s storming of the Mexican Embassy in Quito
Latin American and Caribbean leaders and governments from across the political spectrum have condemned the incursion into Mexico’s embassy as a grave violation of international law.
The anatomy of a ‘Hindu Rashtra’
Words can be highly deceptive; and Hindu rashtra is a perfect example of this.
Labor breakthrough: Workers winning victories once thought impossible
Zoomers and millennials want to turn low-wage retail and service sector jobs into stable, good-paying union jobs.
Marxist theory in Japan: A critical overview
I. To summarise the reception history of Marx in Japan is no small task.1 In fact, it is essentially impossible to give an adequate overview of one of the deepest, most prolific, and most variegated linguistic repositories of the Marxist tradition. Although it remains remarkably little-known in contemporary European or North American intellectual circles, Marxism […]
“The Reckoning: From the Second Slavery to Abolition, 1776-1888” – book review
The Reckoning is a magnificent conclusion to a quartet of books on New World slavery, explaining the role of slavery and its abolition in the rise of American power, finds Chris Bambery.
Israel’s slaughter of aid workers is a tragedy
The western media and political classes have made more noise about the Israeli killing of seven aid workers than about the 32,000 dead Palestinians.
The greatest trick
Most governments are trying to trick us into believing we don’t need to adapt to COVID-19. They can’t sustain the illusion forever.
Thousands have lived without love, but not one without water: The Fourteenth Newsletter (2024)
Amid the intensifying water crisis that plagues billions of people across the world, Israel is using water as a weapon in its war against Palestinians by denying access and destroying infrastructure.
Forget eco-modernism
Recent years have seen renewed debate on climate strategy on the left. Here, Kai Heron responds to the arguments of the proponents of a left ecomodernism, and argues that it risks reactionary political consequences.
‘Lavender’: The AI machine directing Israel’s bombing spree in Gaza
The Israeli army has marked tens of thousands of Gazans as suspects for assassination, using an AI targeting system with little human oversight and a permissive policy for casualties, +972 and Local Call reveal.
A journalist bothers the Indian far-right
Prabir Purkayastha created a vibrant publication in Delhi, connected to social movements and successful. He´s now imprisoned at 78 under an infamous law. The episode reveals much about the nature, methods, and vulnerabilities of Narendra Modi´s regime.
The death of Amr
Over 13,000 children have been killed in Gaza. Amr Abdallah was one of them.
Central bank independence as class war strategy
Insulated from popular discontent, independent central banks have free reign to undermine workers’ rights and further the neoliberal agenda, argues John Clarke.
Working-class environmentalism and climate justice: The challenge of convergence today
Since the great climate strikes of 2019, and even more so after the acknowledgment of the environmental roots of the COVID-19 pandemic, the ecological transition seems to be everywhere.
U.S. workers forced to bail out Intel, a top 100 company
President Biden announced the grant, part of the massive $280 billion CHIPS Act, on March 20 in Arizona.
Dr Rose Dugdale–Fighter for Irish freedom, student of Chairman Mao
Rose was born into immense wealth and privilege in England but gave it all up to devote her life to the working and oppressed people of the world and to the liberation of Ireland and the fight for a socialist republic in particular.