Capitalism’s New Age of Plagues (Part 6): China’s livestock revolution
The near-universal adoption of mass production in confined facilities makes pandemics all but inevitable.
India’s motive in prosecuting Arundhati Roy
The Modi government plans to try the globally renowned author under a draconian anti-terrorism law, reports Ullekh NP.
Russia overtakes Japan to become the fourth largest economy in the world in PPP terms
The Russian economy has overtaken Japan to become the fourth largest in the world in PPP terms (purchase power parity), according to revised data from the World Bank released at the start of June. As bne IntelliNews reported in August, Russia had already overtook Germany to become the fifth biggest economy in adjusted terms. Hit by multiple shocks […]
China rejects U.S.-led auction of Venezuelan company CITGO
On Tuesday, China strongly condemned the seizure of CITGO Petroleum Corporation by U.S. authorities, calling the move a flagrant violation of international law.
Democracy will not come through compromise and fear: The Twenty-Fourth Newsletter (2024)
In 2024, 64 countries and the EU will hold elections. Amid the corrupting influence of money, power, and corrosive discourse, the search for a genuine democratic spirit continues.
China springs a BRI surprise on U.S.
The report of the death of China’s Belt and Road Initiative [BRI] was an exaggeration, after all.
What Western mainstream media won’t tell us about China
We might not like to read this, but here are a few things Western media completely forgot to tell you about Hong Kong, Taiwan and Xinjiang…
What is to be done about unemployment?
A distinction is drawn in economics between demand-constrained systems and resource-constrained systems (which for simplicity and symmetry we shall call supply-constrained systems).
On China’s overcapacity
According to Western politicians and neoliberal economists, China’s industrial subsidies and production capacity are to blame for the U.S.’s trade deficit and its apparent inability to reindustrialise its economy.
Ninety years of a life to end wars
H. Bruce Franklin, who was deeply involved in the movement against the Vietnam War, died earlier this month.
A lone Dayak community’s last stand against palm oil
The Dayak peoples of Borneo have been fiercely resisting the encroachment of palm oil plantations on their ancestral lands for many decades.
How BJP masked its class agenda with false religious narrative
In attacking the wealth tax proposal, the PM whipped up hatred against Muslims, trashed Congress, thereby protecting his super-rich patrons.
Britain’s century long Opium trafficking and China’s ‘Century of Humiliation’ (1839-1949)
In 1500, India and China were the world’s most advanced civilizations.
Heat stress exposes dangerous trends in India’s biggest cities
A CSE study of 6 mega cities flags concerns over rising concretization and loss of green cover among other things.
Digitalisation in India: The class agenda [Part IV]
Indian propagandists talk of India’s “emerging status as a technological powerhouse”, and the heads of the world’s largest technology corporations have started to refer to India as a global technology/software “superpower”, at least in their interactions with Indian media outlets.
Tariffs, technology and industrial policy
Last Tuesday, the trade and technology war launched by the U.S/.on China back in 2019 took another ratchet up.
Neo-liberalism has increased mass poverty
It is not a difficult proposition to substantially reduce poverty through redistributive measures. About one tenth of India’s GDP would need to be devoted to providing adequate food for the population, basic and comprehensive healthcare, compulsory free education, employment guarantee and old age pension; for which additional taxation of 7 per cent of GDP that the rich and super-rich can easily bear, would be needed. Combined with vigorous implementation of the existing National Food Security Act 2013 and the MG National Rural Employment Guarantee Act, genuine large-scale reduction of poverty would result
Dossier No. 76: The New Cold War is sending tremors through Northeast Asia
This dossier looks at how the U.S.-led New Cold War against China is destabilizing Northeast Asia, focusing on the Korean Peninsula, Taiwan Strait, and Japan.
League of imperialist criminals denounces the International Criminal Court
Prosecuting the war criminals, halting the genocide, and preventing the further escalation of a third world war are tasks inseparably connected with the fight for the revolutionary transformation of society under the leadership of the working class, which will replace capitalist barbarism with socialism.
Keep on rockin’ in the free world: The Twenty-First Newsletter (2024)
On the evening of 14 May, U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken climbed onstage at Barman Dictat in Kyiv, Ukraine, to pick up an electric guitar and join the Ukrainian punk band 19.99.