Geography Archives: Bolivia

  • What’s Left on the To-Do List: Iran, Cuba, Venezuela, and Bolivia

    Carlos Latuff is a Brazilian cartoonist. | | Print

  • Bolivia: Morales Asks Workers to Be Rational and Responsible for the Country

    President Morales exhorted workers to rethink, because the latest wage increase of 5 percent is superior to what previous governments offered and, moreover, over the four years under his administration, the wages have risen 40 percent.  He called on workers’ unions to compare this wage increase with the current inflation rate of 0.26 percent in […]

  • Bolivia: Evo Sticks to 5% Wage Increase; COB Threatens to Blockade Streets

      Wages: the president calls for rationality while workers foresee an indefinite strike. President Evo Morales stuck to the 5% wage increase, ruling out a possibility of revision.  Meanwhile, the Bolivian Workers’ Center (COB) and manufacturing workers will discuss today the possibility of launching an indefinite general strike and street blockade to demand a higher […]

  • Bolivia’s Resource Dilemma

    Jesse Freeston: Last week, the Bolivian city of Cochabamba and the country’s president Evo Morales played host to the World People’s Conference on Climate Change and the Rights of Mother Earth.  The conference sought to distinguish itself from the United Nations conferences for giving a greater voice to civil society and expanding the conversation beyond […]

  • Bolivia: Bittersweet Victory Highlights Obstacles for Process of Change

    Although final figures will not be known until April 24, the results of Bolivia’s April 4 regional elections have ratified the continued advance of the “democratic and cultural revolution” led by the country’s first indigenous President Evo Morales.  However, it also highlights some of the shortcomings and obstacles the process of change faces. Initial results […]

  • Organization of American States

    OAS Do not stop stirring until it dissolves. Osval, Las Tunas, Cuba.  This cartoon was published by Rebelión on 27 February 2010.  Translation by Yoshie Furuhashi (@yoshiefuruhashi | yoshie.furuhashi [at]  See, also, “Evo Morales, presidente de Bolivia: Latinoamérica y el Caribe necesitan luchar ‘juntos sin Estados Unidos’” (TeleSur, 22 February 2010); “Vicepresidente boliviano saluda […]

  • Organization of American States

    OAS Do not stop stirring until it dissolves. Osval, Las Tunas, Cuba.  This cartoon was published by Rebelión on 27 February 2010.  Translation by Yoshie Furuhashi (@yoshiefuruhashi | yoshie.furuhashi [at]  See, also, “Evo Morales, presidente de Bolivia: Latinoamérica y el Caribe necesitan luchar ‘juntos sin Estados Unidos’” (TeleSur, 22 February 2010); “Vicepresidente boliviano saluda […]

  • Spring Delegation to Bolivia

    Be part of history!  Celebrate Earth Day and attend the Peoples’ World Conference on Climate Change and Mother Earth’s Rights in Cochabamba, Bolivia.  World scientists, academics, lawyers, and representatives of governments that want to work with their citizens to save our planet will be in attendance.  (Conference is scheduled for April 20-22, 2010.) Before and […]

  • Encuentro with Bolivia

    Join us for an evening of discussion, music, art, and refreshments inspired by a recent delegation to Bolivia focused on indigenous resistance and food sovereignty. When: Thursday, February 4, 2010 at 7 PM Where: 1199 SEIU MLK Labor Center, 310 West 43rd St., Auditorium Last November, a group of twenty activists from different parts of […]

  • Bolivia: Invitation to the Peoples’ World Conference on Climate Change and Mother Earth’s Rights

    Considering that climate change represents a real threat to the existence of humanity, of living beings and our Mother Earth as we know it today; Noting the serious danger that exists to islands, coastal areas, glaciers in the Himalayas, the Andes and mountains of the world, the poles of the Earth, warm regions like Africa, […]

  • The world half a century later

    AS the Revolution celebrated its 51st anniversary two days ago, memories of that January 1st of 1959 came to mind. The outlandish idea that, after half a century — which flew by — we would remember it as if it were yesterday, never occurred to any of us.

  • Sumac Kawsay/Buen Vivir

    Perhaps because I am a Brazilian, the first time I heard the expression “buen vivir,” I immediately thought of “boa vida,” a term which in our country is used pejoratively to refer to an easy, tranquil, and carefree life: no work, plenty of evening strolls, luxury at the expense of others, and zero political consciousness.

  • Bolivia under Evo Morales: The Pace and Depth of Social and Political Change

      General elections were held in Bolivia on Sunday, December 6, 2009.  A few weeks before these elections I had the opportunity to discuss the contours of Evo Morales’ first term in office with the Bolivian Ambassador to Canada, Edgar Tórrez Mosqueira.  The following interview provides a backdrop to the elections that were held yesterday, […]

  • Is There Any Margin for Hypocrisy and Deceit?

    The United States, in its struggle against the Revolution, had in the Venezuelan government its best ally: the choice specimen Mr. Romulo Betancourt Bello. We did not know it then. He had been elected President on December 7, 1958; he had not taken office yet when the Cuban Revolution triumphed on January 1st, 1959. Weeks later I had the privilege of being invited by the provisional government of Wolfgang Larrazabal to visit Bolivar’s homeland, which had been so supportive of Cuba.

  • The Bolivarian Revolution and Peace

    I know Chavez well, and no one could be more reluctant than him to allow a showdown between the Venezuelan and Colombian peoples leading to bloodshed. These are two fraternal peoples, the same as Cubans living in the east, center and west end of our island. I find no other way to explain the close relationship between Venezuelans and Colombians.

  • The Annexation of Colombia by the United States

    Anyone with some information can immediately see that the sweetened ‘Complementation Agreement for Defense and Security Cooperation and Technical Assistance between the Governments of Colombia and the United States’ signed on October 30, and made public in the evening of November 2, amounts to the annexation of Colombia by the United States.

  • Ecuador and Bolivia Show That Even Small Developing Countries Can Pursue Independent Economic Policies, Stand Up for Their Rights, and Win

    Among the conventional wisdom that we hear every day in the business press is that developing countries should bend over backwards to create a friendly climate for foreign corporations, follow orthodox (neoliberal) macroeconomic policy advice, and strive to achieve an investment-grade sovereign credit rating so as to attract more foreign capital. Guess which country is […]

  • A Nobel Prize for Evo

    If Obama was awarded the Nobel for winning the elections in a racist society despite his being African American, Evo deserves it for winning them in his country despite his being a native, and his having delivered on his promises.

  • Decolonization’s Rocky Road: Corruption, Expropriation, and Justice in Bolivia

    Over 3,000 Bolivian and Peruvian indigenous activists recently marched in El Alto in commemoration of the March 13th, 1781 siege of La Paz, Bolivia launched from El Alto by indigenous rebels Tupac Katari and Bartolina Sisa.  The siege was against Spanish rule and for indigenous liberation in the Andes.  At a gathering the night before […]

  • Bolivia: Morales Enacts New Constitution in El Alto

    Fog covered El Alto, Bolivia on Saturday morning as social movements from around the country marched into the city to mark the official passage of Bolivia’s new constitution.  “This is the second independence, the true liberation of Bolivia,” Bolivian President Evo Morales said as he signed the new constitution. The new constitution was approved by […]