Interview with Bolivian Vice President García: “Brazil and Argentina’s Support Restrained Adventurists’ Plans in Bolivia”
Evo Morales’ Vice President believes that regional backing neutralized the most radical sectors among secessionists. The 10oC “summer” weather in Bolivia’s capital city is strongly felt in Bolivian Vice President Álvaro García Linera’s house, which has no heating, like nearly all the houses in La Paz. For almost an hour we went over the conjuncture […]
Brazil: What Is at Stake in the Second Round [Brasil: Lo que está en juego en la segunda vuelta]
Nadie puede ser neutro, nadie puede ser equidistante, nadie puede ser indiferente Lo que está en juego en la segunda vuelta no es apenas si Petrobras va a ser privatizada — como afirmó el asesor de Alckmin, Mendonça de Barros a la revista Exame — y, si con ella, también el Banco de Brasil, la […]
Homo Economicus vs. Aam Aadmi: Crisis of Democracy
During the twentieth century, there were two major shifts in mainstream economic thinking. These two major changes were the Keynesian revolution of the 1930s and the return of orthodoxy on the back of the Rational Expectation and Monetarist school in the late 1960s and early 1970s. Each of the shifts was preceded by a […]
Brazilian Army Study Details North American Military Presence in South America [Estudo do Exército detalha presença militar norte-americana na América do Sul]
Brasília — Há muito tempo a América do Sul tem sido uma área estratégica para os Estados Unidos, o que levou os norte-americanos a trazerem militares na região. Exemplo maior talvez tenha sido a Doutrina Monroe, aprovada pelo Congresso norte-americano em 1823. Surgida como forma de impedir a recolonização européia da América, com o tempo […]