Declassified intelligence files expose inconvenient truths of Bosnian war
A trove of intelligence files sent by Canadian peacekeepers expose CIA black ops, illegal weapon shipments, imported jihadist fighters, potential false flags, and stage-managed atrocities.
Ecological imperialism and the Canadian mining industry
In 2013, Edward Snowden’s leak of documents pertaining to the inner workings of National Security Agency (NSA) sparked international revelations about the reach and unaccountability of Washington’s international surveillance apparatus. One series of documents that remain understudied, however, concern similar activities orchestrated by the Canadian government.
Canadian journalist added to Ukrainian hitlist
It’s no secret that Ukraine’s so-called “Center to Control Disinformation” operates a database which publicizes the private information of thousands of journalists worldwide.
Canadian Professor attacked by mainstream media for opposing NATO narrative on Ukraine
A highly regarded Russia specialist in Canada, Professor Michael Carley at the University of Montreal, has refused to support the NATO narrative on the Ukraine conflict and has since been subjected to a vicious smear campaign.
Ford blinks in face of union solidarity; will repeal Bill 28
Perhaps Ontario Premier Doug Ford wasn’t expecting the backlash he received when he enacted Bill 28 on Thursday last week.
Canada prepares war bonds for Nazi-infested Ukrainian government
During the Second World War, the Canadian government appealed for Canadians to buy war bonds to fight fascism in Europe.
BC NDP shreds its credibility again with Appadurai disqualification
Appadurai’s leadership run crystallized into a grassroots challenge to the party establishment. The party struck back.
Haitians intensify protests against foreign military intervention, while US seeks authorization for “international mission”
Citizens flooded the streets across Haiti in rejection of President Ariel Henry’s request for international military assistance, demanding that foreign powers stop interfering in Haiti
Double standards on full display with Western Sahara occupation
Numerous countries, including Canada, profit from the illegal exploitation of Sahrawi resources.
New documents reveal callousness of fossil fuel execs—and Canada’s complicity
If your climate policy is supported by the oil and gas industry, it’s not climate policy at all
Uprising targets Canada’s man in Haiti
A popular uprising has paralyzed life in much of Haiti. While police are violently suppressing protesters, don’t expect Canadian officials to criticize security forces they fund.
Canada supports oligarchic gangsterism in Haiti
Rosa Luxemburg popularized the dictum “Socialism or Barbarism”. Since World War I Leftists of various stripes have adopted or modified the maxim. In Haiti the struggle has been between those seeking “poverty with dignity” and oligarchic gangsterism. Unfortunately, Canada has been on the side of barbarism.
Supporters of Palestinian rights should praise NDP’s dramatic policy shift
Has a leading Canadian politician ever shifted so dramatically on a major policy issue?
Canada could learn from Cuba’s sustainable agriculture
Cuba has more than 380,000 urban farms producing 1.5 million tons of vegetables each year.
B’nai Brith’s lawsuit attacks campus free speech, student democracy
On Wednesday B’nai Brith announced a lawsuit against McGill University, Student Society of McGill University (SSMU) and student group Solidarity for Palestinian Human Rights (SPHR).
Canada’s Development Finance Institution and land grabbing in Africa
This interview is part of a series with the Blended Finance Project a group of unions, non-governmental organizations and academics who are concerned about the Canadian government’s embrace of what is called “blended finance.”
Why progressives need to abandon means-testing and embrace universality
Universality must be at the core of any progressive electoral platform.
Puerto Ricans demand cancellation of contract with Canadian-American energy company LUMA
Protesters have condemned that power outages have increased, while prices have gone up since LUMA began operating Puerto Rico’s electricity transmission and distribution system in June 2020.
Why we need to (re)nationalize Air Canada
It’s because of decades of public investment that the company, and our national airports system, exist in the first place.
Nicolás Maduro’s Eurasian tour is a victory lap for the Bolivarian Revolution
In a major turn toward re-engagement, Maduro has announced increased ties with states in North Africa, West Asia and beyond.