The globalisation of McCarthyism
The central government’s hounding of Newsclick reminds one of the children’s story about a tiger and a goat drinking water from the same stream.
A reading list for the Delhi police from Tricontinental Research Services
On 3 October, the homes and offices of over one hundred journalists and researchers across India were raided by the Delhi Police, which is under the jurisdiction of the country’s Ministry of Home Affairs.
How could a BRICS+ bank and settlement currency work? Economist Michael Hudson explains
Economist Michael Hudson details how BRICS could create a mutual settlement currency for payment imbalances among central banks and build an alternative to the financialized neoliberal model of the dollar/NATO bloc.
International uproar following mass raids and arrest of Indian journalists
There has been an outpouring of solidarity following the raid and arrest of journalists in India, who have been targeted as a result of baseless accusations published in the New York Times.
Experiments with truth, India: Truth and dare in Bhima Koregaon
The Bhima Koregaon–Elgar Parishad ‘Maoist’ conspiracy case is a grand experiment with truth where the State is daring the people to stand up for justice.
Statement by Newsclick on Oct 3 raids by Special Cell of Delhi Police
We have not been provided FIR copy, or informed about the exact particulars of the alleged offences. Electronic devices have been seized from Newsclick premises and homes of employees without any adherence to due process.
Indian police raid major Left news website, detain journalists, based on New York Times article attacking left activists
Delhi police on Tuesday raided the offices of news media company NewsClick. The news media house has been under investigation for allegedly receiving funds from China.
Destroying forests for profits: India
THE Modi government, ever solicitous of corporate interests, has launched a plan whereby real estate developers and other corporates will be allowed to destroy large swathes of India’s forest cover for starting projects that rake in profits. It is amending the Forest Conservation Act to remove those forest patches that are not deemed as such by the government from protection under the Act.
War of economic corridors: the India-Mideast-Europe ploy
The India-Middle East-Europe transportation corridor may be the talk of the town, but it will likely go the way of the last three Asia-to-Europe connectivity projects touted by the west-to the dustbin. Here’s why.
In jail for 5 years, activist Mahesh Raut gets bail in Elgar Parishad case
The 36-year-old tribal rights activist is one of the first five persons to have been arrested in the controversial case, on June 6, 2018.
The dismantling of democracy in India will affect the whole world
The text of the writer’s speech as she received the 45th European Essay Prize on September 12.
BRICS expansion is positive–but not a coherent challenge to U.S. power
AS SIGNIFICANT as the fact of BRICS expansion are which countries are now set to join: Iran, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, the United Arab Emirates, Ethiopia and Argentina.
The destruction of universities
Fascistic outfits which are themselves devoid of any serious thought, also lack respect for serious thought. It is little wonder then that the BJP government is hell-bent on systematically destroying the few spaces that exist in the country for serious thought. Its assault on universities will do incalculable damage to the country.
Siege on Manipur: Hindu nationalists’ war for ethnic supremacy
Across India, experiments to forge the ‘Hindu national community’ are predicated on the breakage of minoritised Muslims and Christians, and Adivasis and Dalits. What’s happening in Manipur is part of a plan operationalised by the Hindu Right decades ago.
What we lose through the ghettoisation of urban India
The gigantic question is, is there a way out? It gets harder everyday with the kind of blatantly divisive social atmosphere which is promoted by the powers that be.
Shooting the messenger: Adverse health trends revealed in the NFHS (5) 2019-2021
Economists have put forward all kinds of fallacious arguments to justify the prolonged fall in per capita food spending, and hence in nutritional intake, in India, such as mechanisation leading to lower energy needs, change in the age structure of the population, change in tastes and so on.
The problem with “Universal Basic Income”
MANY economists have been advocating a universal basic income for India, an idea that was mooted even in the official Economic Survey for 2016-17.
The poverty of UN poverty estimates
ON April 3 this year, the minister of state for planning, Rao Inderjeet Singh, said in the Rajya Sabha that the government had no data after 2011-12 for estimating poverty, and therefore had no idea how many people had been lifted out of poverty since then.
After 5 years in jail, Vernon Gonsalves and Arun Ferreira get bail in Elgar Parishad case
The Supreme Court division bench of Justices Aniruddha Bose and Sudhanshu Dhulia observed that the material evidence available against Gonsalves and Ferreira “does not justify their continuous detention”.
Inexcusable Inaction: Manipur’s horrific video exposes sexual violence, Govt failure
The police only swung to action after a video of the savage incident of two Kuki women being paraded naked on May 4 went viral and sparked political outrage.