Geography Archives: Israel

  • Other Victims of Denial [Les autres victimes d’une négation]

      Annual Fundraising AppealFriends of MRZine and Monthly Review! The continuing existence of MRZine and Monthly Review depends on the support of our readers.  Unlike many other publications, we make all new Monthly Review articles, as well as MRZine articles, available online, free of charge.  We do so without drawing any advertising money at all […]

  • Investigate Israeli Nuclear Capacity Now

    Annual Fundraising Appeal Friends of MRZine and Monthly Review! The continuing existence of MRZine and Monthly Review depends on the support of our readers.  Unlike many other publications, we make all new Monthly Review articles, as well as MRZine articles, available online, free of charge.  We do so without drawing any advertising money at all […]

  • We Reject Civil War [Nous refusons la guerre civile]

    Discours de Sayyid Nasrullah, le 7 décembre 2006 Condoléances à la famille du martyr Ahmad Mahmoud, martyr pour la défense de l’indépendance et la souveraineté du Liban. Les gens du pouvoir ont essayé de susciter la peur chez vous pour vous empêcher de venir sur la place du rassemblement, mais ils ont oublié que vous […]

  • How Can We Solve the Political Crisis in Lebanon? [Comment résoudre la crise politique au Liban?]

    Annual Fundraising AppealFriends of MRZine and Monthly Review! The continuing existence of MRZine and Monthly Review depends on the support of our readers.  Unlike many other publications, we make all new Monthly Review articles, as well as MRZine articles, available online, free of charge.  We do so without drawing any advertising money at all from […]

  • Human Rights Watch Must Retract Its Shameful Press Release

    Annual Fundraising Appeal Friends of MRZine and Monthly Review! The continuing existence of MRZine and Monthly Review depends on the support of our readers.  Unlike many other publications, we make all new Monthly Review articles, as well as MRZine articles, available online, free of charge.  We do so without drawing any advertising money at all […]

  • The Palestinian Scene Is the Mirror of the Relation of Regional Forces [La scène palestinienne est le miroir du rapport de forces régional]

    Whoever denies that the division of the Palestinian scene is a function of the relation of regional forces is one who prefers to mouth vain slogans and proves that he does not have the capacity to resist. Some are happy to go on and on about the importance of Palestinian national unity, the unity of blood, the common enemy who does not distinguish between one Arab and another, one Muslim and another, but at the same time hides clear realities that rise to the surface, forcefully, from time to time, particularly during crises.

  • One Big Push

    A NEW MOMENT It’s a new political moment for the antiwar movement. Washington’s failure in Iraq is undeniable: even Henry Kissinger says a U.S. victory is impossible.  The Iraq war was the prime reason the U.S. electorate delivered a huge “thumping” to George Bush on November 7.  The administration is openly flailing about for any […]

  • Empire’s Ally: Canadian Foreign Policy

    Since the coming into power of the Stephen Harper Conservative government in January of this year, there has been much gnashing of teeth over the foreign policy stance of Canada.  In particular, Canada’s relation with the U.S. on a phalanx of fronts has been at the center of controversy.  One has been the softwood lumber […]

  • Hidden Plots in Lebanon [Hidden Plots in Lebanon]

    L’assassinat de Pierre Gemayel, ministre libanais de l’Industrie, est un acte indéniablement terroriste qui intervient à un moment délicat de polarisation politique au Liban.  L’empressement de Washington – et certains de ses clients libanais – à désigner la Syrie souligne d’emblée l’enjeu géopolitique de la situation au Liban. Mais cela n’empêche pas de noter, froidement, […]

  • Reflections on Arab and Iranian Ultra-Nationalism

    Critical students of ethnically coded nationalism would agree: propagating the glory of “our” race or culture almost always entails the suppression of equal status for the race or culture that is represented as its other.  West Asia is no exception.  Iranian and Arab identity politics thwarted, perverted, and dismembered communitarian thinking for long periods in […]

  • Iran’s Quiet Revolution

      The bus rumbled along a highway in southwest Iran, passing a series of anti-aircraft batteries and rickety guard towers before pulling in through a checkpoint to the Bushehr nuclear plant compound.  Having anticipated significant difficulties finding, much less nearing, the reactor, I stared in stunned silence at its dome.  So much for state secrets.  […]

  • Post-American Geopolitics

    I. Three Metropoles, Four Peripheries Many of us on the Left have pondered what would replace the Cold War division of the planet into the First, Second, and Third World.  Though the three worlds thesis was arbitrary at best — the social divisions within nation-states are often more significant than the distinctions between nation-states — […]

  • Faith in the “War with Islam”

    The End of Faith: Religion, Terror and the Future of Reason by Sam Harris.  Norton, New York, 2004.  ISBN 0-393-03515-8. 336 pp.  Cloth $24.95. Sam Harris’ The End of Faith: Religion, Terror and the Future of Reason is unusual among books recently issued by mainline publishers in that it begins by rejecting all religious faiths […]

  • Tangled Up in the Milieu: An Interview with Max Elbaum, Author of Revolution in the Air

    REVOLUTION IN THE AIR: Sixties Radicals turn to Lenin, Mao and Che by Max ElbaumBUY THIS BOOK I first met Max Elbaum in Vermont in 2002 at a conference against the war organized by the Burlington (VT) Anti War Coalition.  We had communicated via email and telephone before about his book Revolution in the Air […]

  • Israel between Two Wars: Olmert, Lieberman, and Washington’s Agenda

    Olmert and Lieberman Just what we needed.  The government is running hard in order to avoid the appointment of an authentic Judicial Investigative Committee, i.e., one with wide powers.  Our Prime Minister is busy preparing himself for investigations into his all “too-successful” real estate deals.  His popularity rating hovers at a magnificent 7%.  But Ehud […]

  • Bad Faith and the Common Good: The Road to Civic Republicanism

    “Philosophy always comes on the scene too late.” — G.W.F. Hegel1 “They say we don’t stand for anything.  We do stand for anything.”  — Sen. Barack Obama2 For years it’s been a political commonplace to observe that the Republicans represent the party of ideas while the Democrats are the stupid party.  Even Bush-phobic Democrats like […]

  • The Boom Heard around the World?

    August 29, 1949 — Soviet Union.  October 16, 1964 — People’s Republic of China.  October 7, 2006, Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea.  Three dates.  Three first-time nuclear tests by three enemies (at their respective times) of Washington.  All three tests were preceded by threats from that same Washington that warned of dire consequences for the […]

  • To End the Israeli-Arab Conflict [En finir avec le conflit israélo-arabe]

    Nous appelons, alors que le Moyen-Orient est plongé dans sa crise la plus grave depuis des années, à une action urgente de la part de la communauté internationale en vue d’un règlement global au conflit israélo-arabe. Nous sommes tous perdants dans ce conflit, à l’exception des extrémistes, qui prospèrent à travers le monde en exploitant […]

  • Lebanon: Reflexions and Lessons [Liban: Réflexions et Leçons]

      Face à l’évènement, certains veulent faire supporter à la Résistance tout le poids de cette guerre.  C’est endosser l’erreur.  La grande majorité des analystes politiques internationaux savent que cette guerre était prévue à courte échéance, avec ou sans prétexte ; Israël ne manque pas d’en créer au besoin.  Souvenons-nous de l’invasion de 1982 : […]

  • Iran: Calls for Dialogue with the United States

      “We believe the production or use of nuclear weapons is immoral.” — Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad Hours after he spoke to the United Nations, the Iranian president made this clear, unequivocal statement to a group of us during a private meeting in New York.  The Mennonite Central Committee organized an extraordinary, private session for […]