Geography Archives: New Zealand

  • The Minimum Wage, Part One: What Right-Wing Think Tanks Say about the Minimum Wage

    Anyone interested in politics should at least occasionally read what Right-Wing Think Tanks (RWTTs) are proposing, for what they advocate shows up as Administration policies. Reading the RWTTs enables us to identify and respond to the same ideas that eventually trickle out of the mouths of Administration spokespeople. Right-Wing Think Tanks want to eliminate the […]

  • In the Reactionary Era of “No Alternative”  

    For years, U.S. political and economic leaders saw themselves in mortal combat with communist nations for the allegiance of peoples at home and abroad. The pressure of being in competition with an alternative economic system set limits on how thoroughly Western leaders dared to mistreat their own working populations. Indeed, during the Cold War, pains […]