Geography Archives: Palestine

  • If the Palestinian Authority Disappears. . . .

      Here is another contradiction for Israel to deal with: the collapse of the Palestinian Authority.  The Wall Street Journal reports: Israel’s war with Hezbollah has overshadowed a looming crisis in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, where conditions have deteriorated to the point that some in the Palestinian government are exploring the prospect […]

  • Open Letter to the LGBTIQ Community and WorldPride Participants

    As LGBTIQ Muslims and allies, the Al-Fatiha Foundation is torn, but united in our boycott of WorldPride in Jerusalem. As a religious organization, Al-Fatiha embraces the great symbolism that WorldPride in Jerusalem represents: the bringing together of LGBTIQ people in a city regarded as holy by Islam, Judaism and Christianity. Yet, this WorldPride will not […]

  • ASWAT and the World Pride Parade 2006 in Jerusalem

    Parade to the WallWorld Pride under Occupation 2006 In Israel, religious groups are expressing opposition to the World Pride to be held in Jerusalem in August 2006.  At the same time, international radical left wing groups are calling to boycott this parade as a general call of divestment from Israel on behalf of its crimes […]

  • Why Have “Laws of War”?

      4 August 2006 Last night, whatever hopes anyone had that this war was drawing its last breath and would take minimal — if hopefully no more — victims were brutally shattered like the bridges that crumpled under the latest warplane onslaught. Lebanon awoke today to more destruction and chaos.   To more fears that no […]

  • Lebanon & Gaza: “Nothing Is Safe”

    Israel’s continuing military offensives in Lebanon and Gaza are producing a  human catastrophe and have immense political consequences. First, the human cost, as of July 30: At least 561 dead in Lebanon, the vast majority civilians — with 60 killed (including 37 children) by Israeli air attacks on the village of Qana.  Over 1,000 wounded […]

  • I Don’t Want to Love You, But I Do

    A LOVE POEM24 July 2006 Some readers of my open letter to Amos Oz have been posing questions to me regarding how to deal with a group that calls for the destruction of Israel.  They tell me they are sick of Israel being described by the Left as inherently evil. I do not believe there […]

  • The Future of Israel Is at Stake

    “We must reduce to dust the villages of the south [ . . . ]  I don’t understand why there is still electricity there.”1 With these words, Israeli Minister of Justice and former Labor Party leader, Haim Ramon, summarized his suggestions for the continuation of the military offensive in Lebanon, following the failure of the […]

  • Ten Questions for Movement Building

      For five weeks in the late spring of 2006, we toured the eastern half of the United States to promote two books — Letters From Young Activists: Today’s Rebels Speak Out (Nation Books, 2005) and Outlaws of America: The Weather Underground and the Politics of Solidarity (AK Press, 2006) — and to get at […]

  • Let Us Form the Broadest Possible Arab People’s Front

      Dr. George Habash, Founder of the Arab Nationalists’ Movement and of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, Calls for the Formation of the Broadest Possible Arab People’s Front in Support of the Lebanese and Palestinian Resistance Masses of our Glorious Arab Nation, Courageous Resistance Fighters in the fraternal land of Lebanon, Steadfast […]

  • US Media, Israel, and Lebanese Civilians

    To anyone who understands the real history of the Arab-Israeli conflict, and has read the many meticulously well-documented books on this topic by scholars and activists,1 the mainstream media coverage of Israel’s war on Lebanon and Gaza is woefully inadequate and decidedly biased.  Again and again, over the last two weeks, the media in the […]

  • Enough!  Stop the Killing and Destruction in Lebanon, Gaza, and Israel!

    Enough! Stop the killing and destruction in Lebanon, Gaza, and Israel! A Demonstration against the Second Lebanon War Saturday, July 22, in Tel Aviv The policy of brute force and war, backed by the Bush administration, exacts a heavy price from Israelis, Lebanese, and Palestinians. The attempt to create a New Regional Order and the […]

  • What Next?

    20 July 2006 What next? This is a fearsome open Israeli war against Lebanon.  It has nothing to do with the matter of two Israeli prisoners. This is a war prepared ahead of time that had to wait for the right moment to be launched.  It is a war that had to wait for the […]

  • Dateline Beirut

      Part 1 Wednesday, 19 July, Afternoon (The local time is six hours behind Japan Time.) After many detours, I arrived at Beirut. Planning to cover Samawa, I left Japan a week ago (on the 12th), and I was making preparations in Amman, but I couldn’t arrange for an entry into and security in Iraq, […]

  • Israel’s Failed Dream of the “Iron Wall”

      Ralph Peters, a columnist of the New York Post (“Israel’s New Wars,” 17 July 2006), takes note of the fact that Israel, preferring to stick to air strikes, has not decisively sent its ground troops into Lebanon and frets that “Israel is signaling its enemies that it’s afraid to risk its soldiers’ lives.”  Besides, […]

  • Letter to President George W. Bush

    Dear President Bush: You have been a weak president, despite your strutting and barking, when it comes to doing the right things for the American people within the Constitution and its rule of law.  This trait is now in bold relief over the Israeli government’s escalating war crimes pulverizing the defenseless people and country of […]

  • Palestine Sans Frontières

    Since the commando assault on 25 June 2006 that led to the death of two Israeli soldiers and the abduction of Corporal Gilad Shalit, Israel has intensified the almost daily bombing of Gaza which it had started six months ago in response to the Qassam missiles launched towards the Israeli town of Sderot and the […]

  • Epic Resistance in the Land of Palestine and Lebanon

      Statement issued by the Political Bureau of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine on the Escalation of Zionist Aggression against the Territory of Lebanon and Palestine. Epic steadfastness and resistance — the epic of Ghazza and al-Karama — continue in the land of Palestine and Lebanon.  The Lebanese and Palestinian peoples are […]

  • Neocon Redux: Blame Iran, Back Israel

      Israel’s military offensives in Gaza and Lebanon have reenergized the neoconservatives, who see an opportunity to regain influence lost as a result of setbacks in Iraq.  While insisting on unconditional U.S. support for Israel, the neoconservatives are also pushing for possible U.S. attacks on Tehran’s nuclear facilities in retaliation for its support of Hezbollah. […]

  • What They Want Is the Head of the Resistance Movement

      Click on the image to watch the program at the Mosaic Archive. “Israel Mobilizes Towards Hezbollah Positions,” Abu Dhabi TV, UAE, Mosaic: News from the Middle East, 14 July 2006 It’s war again.  As in the past, it’s an Israeli war in terms of the men and materiel; a joint Israeli-American war in terms […]

  • Declaration of the Syrian Communist Party

    Glory to the Heroic Palestinian Resistance! Shame and Humiliation on the Collaborators! To our steadfast people, The Palestinian people in the occupied territories are being subjected to a humanitarian disaster as a result of the Zionist criminal escalation that has led to the deaths of dozens, the destruction of the vital infrastructure of electric power […]