Canadian sanctions on Russia: Powerless rage with a boomerang effect
Canada’s recent seizure of a Russian an-124 cargo plane, which had been delivering COVID supplies when it was grounded in February 2022 at Pearson Airport (it was forced to pay a fee for every minute, despite being trapped there), is another sanction among many others.
Why should the decision of the British government to send depleted uranium to Ukraine be condemned?
The British government failed to review history and acknowledge the damage that has been caused to countries and their people through the use of depleted uranium.
On the failure of the Ukrainian counterattack
On June 4/5 the Ukrainian military launched its long announced counteroffensive in southeast Ukraine. Ten days later there is no significant progress.
Russia won’t let Ukraine be bleeding wound
Russian President Vladimir Putin: “Kiev has lost 186 tanks, 418 armoured vehicles, losses mounting,” St. Petersburg, June 16, 2023
Ukrainian counteroffensive’s second week ends in failure
First and foremost, the counteroffensive gambit has failed.
A credible explanation of how Kakhovka Dam was blown up
Though Western ‘news’ media have gotten their ‘explanation’ of this event from Ukraine’s Government, it never made sense that Russia would have wanted to flood, harm, and weaken, the entire western half of the territory that Russia now controls in the former Ukraine, including in Crimea (which was getting its water-supply from that dam).
Writer Elizabeth Gilbert faces backlash over book with plot in Russia
Elizabeth Gilbert decides to postpone book publication after “The Snow Forest” receives backlash for being set in Russia, a decision which brings forth a different kind of backlash.
Faina Savenkova: Too much pain
Faina: “I have said many times that the war for me began on June 2, 2014, with the bombing of the Lugansk Regional State Administration by Ukrainian aircraft. And now comes another anniversary, already the ninth.”
Background and elements of the war in Ukraine
“This crisis shows us the weakness of our society”
First there were Neo-Nazis, then there were no Nazis, then there were
A New York Times’ reporter’s job this week is to persuade us that all those Ukrainian soldiers wearing Nazi insignia and marching through Kiev in Klan-like torch parades are not what you think.
An Interview with Benjamin Abelow, M.D., author of ‘How the West Brought War to Ukraine’
The following is a revised and expanded version of an interview with Benjamin Abelow, author of ‘How the West Brought War to Ukraine: Understanding How U.S. and NATO Policies Led to Crisis, War, and the Risk of Nuclear Catastrophe’, originally published in Italian translation by the Italian news and commentary site, QuotidianoWeb.
U.S. prefers frozen Germany over one not aiding Ukraine: Seymour Hersh
American investigative journalist Seymour Hersh underlines that the United States would have rathered seen Germany frozen over than see it not supporting Ukraine in the war.
How weapons firms influence the Ukraine debate
‘Experts’ from defense industry funded think tanks are flooding the media, pushing for more arms without disclosing their benefactors.
Brawling on the brink: Berlin Bulletin no. 211, June 7, 2023
“NATO—the U.S.-dominated global war machine—whose policy is ‘full dominance spectrum,’ contrary to its claims, is not a defensive organization. Its purpose has been to act as an instrument for U.S. world domination and to prevent all challenges to U.S. hegemony.” —Mairead Maguire
Class and nation in the conflict in Ukraine
There are many common interests that can bring Russian and Ukrainian soldiers together in fighting for a more just and equal world.
European parliament to join the militarisation path
Whoever wants to wage war must have ammunition, bullets, shells, and missiles. Ukraine would use some 7,000 every day, while for Russia it would be about 50,000. So European ‘solidarity’ means ammunition for Ukraine.
U.S. hopes to snatch victory from jaws of defeat in Ukraine
The G7 Leaders’ 2700-word statement on Ukraine, issued in Hiroshima after their summit meeting glossed over the burning question today–the so-called counter-offensive against the Russian forces.
Leaked recordings expose shocking state corruption in ‘U.S. governed’ Moldova
The Grayzone has obtained video recordings of well-connected figures within Moldova’s political and business community openly testifying to rank corruption within the country’s government and economy, while outlining schemes to enrich Western investors for an appropriate fee.
Durham report reveals the real threat to “democracy” – The FBI weaponized by Democrat Party affiliated elites
Six years and millions of dollars later, the “Durham report” released on May 15th confirmed once again what a few of us had the nerve to argue before all of the reports and stories that subsequently emerged—that “Russiagate” was the most massive fraud ever perpetrated on the U.S. public by a section of the capitalist rulers and represented a maturing of a form of U.S. neofascism unique to this historical moment.
Woody Guthrie prize given to punk rock group that supports escalation of Ukraine war and overthrow of Russian government
As a proponent of peaceful relations with the Soviet Union, Woody Guthrie would likely be rolling over in his grave if he knew how his heirs betrayed his name.