•  | A medical worker tends to a patient suffering from the coronavirus disease COVID 19 inside the ICU ward at a hospital in New Delhi India April 29 2021 | MR Online

    Rob Wallace on the political economy of pandemics

    Jair Bolsonaro, Donald Trump, Boris Johnson and such leaders across the world are malicious miscreants, convening necropolitical death cults. But the alternatives, also tied to capitalist sociopathy, are only a little bit better. Our “progressives” worship at the altar of the circuits of capital.

  •  | Prime Minister Narendra Modi who won a landslide victory in the 2019 general election after the swearing in ceremony on May 30 With him are President Ram  | MR Online

    A conversation with Aijaz Ahmad: ‘The state is taken over from within’

    Aijaz Ahmad argues that the Rashtriya Swayamsewak Sangh (RSS) and its fronts, including the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), display distinct fascistic characteristics, but the Indian state continues to live by the liberal playbook, no matter how hollow the Indian liberal institutions may have become. He anchors this proposition in a distinctive theoretical position.

  •  | Akeel Bilgrami | MR Online

    Capitalism, populism & crisis of liberalism

    In this long interview with Jipson John and Jitheesh P.M., Akeel Bilgrami speaks at length on the concepts of populism, liberalism, fascism, postmodernism and post-truth.

  •  | 4 years of Modi government Hits and misses   from economy to jobs  The Financial Express | MR Online

    Shadow of fascism

    In its attack on civil liberties, its restructuring of the State to effect an acute centralization of power, and its pervasive purveyance of fear, the Modi years resemble Indira Gandhi’s Emergency. But the resemblance stops there. In fact the two differ fundamentally in several ways.

  •  | Utblick En besjälad värld för den rationella människan 28 december  Sveriges Radio Utblick En besjälad värld för den rationella människan 28 december 2014 kl 1700   Filosofiska rummet | Sveriges Radio | MR Online

    Gandhi, Marx & the ideal of an ‘unalienated life’

    In this in-depth interview, Akeel Bilgrami speaks on a wide range of issues of intellectual relevance and contemporary importance such as the relationship between Gandhi and Marx, issues of modernity, Chomsky’s philosophy, personal influences, academic philosophy in India, secularism, caste and current politics in India, Hindutva politics and the criminal threat of the present government, the Hindutva political challenge and ways of resistance, and the importance of Left politics.

  •  | Interview with Wolfgang Streeck German political economist | MR Online

    ‘Marx’s writing more relevant today than ever’

    THE German political economist Wolfgang Streeck is one of the world’s leading critics of neoliberal capitalism. He received international attention for his essay “How will capitalism end?” written in 2014 for the New Left Review. The much-discussed essay was later republished in book form.

  •  | Free trade is corporate tyranny | MR Online

    Hype and facts on free trade

    Voices questioning the claim that nations and the majority of their people stand to gain from global trade are growing louder. The one difference now is that the leading protagonist of protectionism is not a developing country, but global hegemon United States under Donald Trump.

  •  | Noam Chomsky Societal Breakdown Gave Us Trump   Fix This Nation com | MR Online

    ‘The growth of right-wing forces is ominous’

    NOAM AVRAM CHOMSKY is one of the greatest intellectuals in modern times. For the past six decades Chomsky has remained an inspiration for millions of people around the world who fight oppression and injustice and strive for a better world.

  •  | Mr Amin | MR Online

    Audacious movements have to start

    The following is the second part of the interview with Samir Amin. The first part was published in the Frontline issue dated May 11, 2018.

  •  | Samir Amin | MR Online

    There is a structural crisis of capitalism

    In this in-depth interview conducted in Dakar, Samir Amin speaks on a wide range of topics: globalisation; generalised monopoly capital; the alarming growth of inequality; the role of the state in the neoliberal era; globalisation and delinking; capitalism and modernity; the return of fascism in the contemporary capitalist world, and more.

  •  | At an establishment in Sydney Australia that accepts payment in bitcoin | MR Online

    Making merry on bitcoin

    Bitcoin has left the world of finance gasping. Although the total market value of all that cryptocurrency in circulation is only a fraction of the value of the world’s financial assets, the rapid rise in the value of the currency has made it the most wanted of those assets. On January 1, 2017, the currency was trading between $972 and $990 a unit. By December 7, it was trading between $14,063 and $17,363.