•  | Largest Strike in World History  Over 200 Million Workers and Farmers Protest against Poverty and Unemployment Triggered by Covid Lockdown | MR Online

    Over 200 million workers and farmers protest against poverty and unemployment triggered by COVID Lockdown

    The general strike occurred in the context of the devastation brought about by the coronavirus pandemic in India. Added to this are the millions of people who have lost income and who now face increased poverty and hunger, in a country where even before the pandemic 50 percent of all children suffered malnourishment.

  •  | Global Research Canadian Media Lies About Venezuela   Global Research | MR Online

    Canadian media lies about Venezuela

    Canada’s public media the CBC long-ago entered the ranks of yellow journalism when it comes to its reporting on Venezuela.  However, two recent reports, in particular, one on CBC radio’s “The Current” and the other a CBC News article by reporter Evan Dyer, weigh heavy on the sensationalism and light on facts. Filled with unsubstantiated claims, right-wing pundits parading as “pro-democracy” advocates and unchallenged declarations by the government of Canada officials, once again, the CBC firmly establishes their role as the mouthpiece of the government Canada.

  •  | Its official  Nicolás Maduro wants to be Chávez 20  Foreign Policy foreignpolicycom | MR Online

    Peculiarities of U.S. imperialism in Latin America

    Venezuela, the current target of U.S., President Donald Trump, is a case illustrating the ‘peculiarities’ of imperialist politics. We will proceed to outline the background, techniques and impact of the imperial power grab.

  •  | Trump vs Kim Jong un | MR Online

    UN Security Council resolution 2375 on North Korea: Preparation for war?

    There is now a discernible pattern to US manipulation of the UN Security Council when it wants UN endorsement for US-NATO acts of aggression. It is a formula which led to the destruction of Iraq and Libya, and in 1950-1953 led to the destruction of North Korea and most of South Korea. This deadly trajectory is once again becoming visible, and the code is revealed in the three words: “all necessary measures,” which are deciphered to mean US-NATO aggressive war.