•  | The Robbery of Nature Capitalism and the Ecological Rift | MR Online

    D-Econ’s 2020 Alternative Reading List

    Here’s a list of the top 12 books of the year to help us understand and address the economic, social, and ecological challenges the world is facing at the end of 2020, from the dynamic group of young economists at Diversifying and Decolonizing Economics (D-Econ, d-econ.org).

  •  | Wikipedia 2020 Indian farmers protest   Wikipedia | MR Online

    A matter of survival of the peasantry

    The kisans gathered around the Delhi border have unerringly put their fingers on the real issue confronting them, namely their very survival as peasants.

  •  | V0036166 Twelve doctors standing in test tubes Colour lithograph by | MR Online

    Some basic lessons from the pandemic

    The coronavirus attack has so far been much less deadly than the Spanish flu of a century ago. That had affected 500 million people worldwide, about 27 per cent of the world’s population of the time, and had a death rate of about 10 per cent among those affected.