Two people claim to be president of Venezuela – will U.S. militarily intervene?
Ten days before Donald Trump will be inaugurated in Washington DC on January 20, there will be another inauguration in Caracas. Two contenders claim they will receive the Venezuelan presidential sash.
‘The Commune is nothing new here’: The Rio Cataniapo Commune (Part I)
A socialist commune in the Venezuelan Amazon draws inspiration from the collective practices of its Indigenous members.
Venezuela and the Ethics of Liberation: A conversation with Ximena González Broquen
The head of a prestigious research center talks about knowledge production in the Bolivarian Revolution.
Venezuela today: Revolution and elections
In light of recent imperialist aggressions, Chris Gilbert reflects on the challenges and complexities of using elections as a tool for socialist construction.
The Commune, a living tradition for Pumé people in Venezuela
Coporo Indigena is an Indigenous community in Apure state that has resisted settler violence, displacement from their land… and now the U.S. blockade.
Soft power and the ‘transition to democracy’
VA writer Andreína Chávez delves into Washington’s soft power strategies to destabilize countries in the name of Western-style “democracy.”
July 28, an equation with multiple unknowns
A deep dive into the complexities and uncertainties surrounding Venezuela’s July 28 presidential elections.
Alfredo Maneiro, reader of Machiavelli
VA columnist Reinaldo Iturriza explores Venezuelan political theorist Alfredo Maneiro’s concept of exercising political power with “revolutionary quality.”
Maduro appoints El Maizal’s Ángel Prado Minister of Communes
The seasoned communard takes over the Ministry of Communes as the Maduro government bets on funding local projects chosen by communities.
Llaneros resist the blockade: The Pancha Vásquez Commune (Part II)
When production dropped, Venezuelans from the plains region turned to the commune to find solutions.
Organizing ranchers in the Venezuelan Llanos: The Pancha Vásquez Commune (Part I)
How communards in the Venezuelan plains region produce, organize, and resist the impact of the U.S. blockade.
On fascism and other maladies: A conversation with Luis Britto García
One of Venezuela’s most respected intellectuals talks about fascism and corruption scandals in the lead-up to the presidential elections.
CITGO: A multi-billion dollar heist?
A detailed and interactive infographic to recap how CITGO came to face its looming breakup as creditors line up for a court-ordered auction.
The dialectics of constituted and communal power: A conversation with Ángel Prado
The main spokesperson of El Maizal Commune is trying to put institutional power at the service of the commune.
Vicissitudes of grassroots media: A conversation with Thierry Deronne (Part II)
A documentary filmmaker long associated with the Bolivarian Revolution talks about the history of its audiovisual production and the challenges ahead.
Tales of Resistance: A Perilous ‘Honeymoon’ with the U.S.
In her latest column, Jessica Dos Santos discusses what the Venezuelan government should prioritize during this period of alleviated sanctions.
Growing native potatoes in synergy with the land and its people
Campesinos high up in the beautiful Andean valley of Gavidia are working to preserve the native potato and the way of life that goes with it.
The commune is a comprehensive reworking of social relations: A conversation with Chris Gilbert
A new book exploring the theory, practice and history of socialist commune building in Venezuela.
Venezuela: Gov’t to launch China-backed anti-poverty program
The Social Equality and Happiness Mission will adapt the Chinese experience to the Caribbean country’s reality to alleviate poverty and inequality.
Objective conditions in Venezuela: Maduro’s defensive strategy and contradictions among the people
Venezuelan history and politics professor Steve Ellner examines Maduro’s economic policies and the contradictions that have arisen among the left.