Third Edition of Venezuela’s Progressive Theater Festival
The ten-day event featured more than 150 Venezuelan theater groups and invited companies from 20 other countries.
‘Left pan-Africanist’ Bassirou Diomaye Faye confirmed as Senegal’s new president-elect: What’s next?
On March 29, the Constitutional Court of Senegal confirmed Bassirou Diomaye Faye as the next president-elect of the West African country, assuaging fears of a constitutional crisis after the political outsider won the election the previous week.
‘The closest we’ve been since partition’:Irish reunification on the horizon
Declassified visits Belfast as Ireland appears on the edge of something truly historic, with most agreeing that Brexit was the game-changer.
Corporations bring ‘slow violence’ to millions
The ruthless pursuit of profit lies behind the tragedy of Palestine as much as the global warming crisis. We should resist it resolutely, writes climate activist MAIR BAIN.
The anatomy of a ‘Hindu Rashtra’
Words can be highly deceptive; and Hindu rashtra is a perfect example of this.
Marxist theory in Japan: A critical overview
I. To summarise the reception history of Marx in Japan is no small task.1 In fact, it is essentially impossible to give an adequate overview of one of the deepest, most prolific, and most variegated linguistic repositories of the Marxist tradition. Although it remains remarkably little-known in contemporary European or North American intellectual circles, Marxism […]
Dr Rose Dugdale–Fighter for Irish freedom, student of Chairman Mao
Rose was born into immense wealth and privilege in England but gave it all up to devote her life to the working and oppressed people of the world and to the liberation of Ireland and the fight for a socialist republic in particular.
Palestinians will remain on Palestinian land: The Thirteenth Newsletter (2024)
Jared Kushner joins the chorus calling for Israel to expand its occupation to Gaza’s waterfront through forced displacement, but, if history is any judge, Palestinians will remain.
Top geology body denies appeal, rejects Anthropocene proposal
Ruling ends formal discussion in official geological organization.
El Panal Commune breaches gap between City and Countryside
Caracas communards and campesino organizations are building ties through fair-price food distribution.
The Central African Republic–the end of Françafrique and the return of imperialist competition
The Central African Republic has, despite being at the centre of the continent, been a country on the margins of global power since independence. Despite a conflict which has lasted for more than a decade, the country remains largely ignored. Ben Jackson writes that while African conflicts are often underreported, for example the war in Sudan barely gets a mention, the situation in the Central African Republic demands our attention.
Some of my best enemies are feminists: on Zionist feminism
Historically speaking, Zionist feminism shares key characteristics of colonial feminisms of the nineteenth century.
Sex, liberation and the Russian Revolution
My main argument is: On balance, the fledgling socialist country did more to liberate human sexuality and gender in a shorter period of time than any society since the rise of classes. Despite the serious political errors the country made, I believe those errors would have been corrected had there been the time and space for the organized voices of oppressed groups to develop and assert their rights.
The Antisemitism Industry doesn’t speak for Jews. It speaks for western elites
Film-maker Jonathan Glazer’s crime at the Oscars was to threaten the establishment’s stranglehold on the West’s narrative about Israel–and itself
Scholar or ideologue?
In mid-February, Chaguan, the (pen-named) Economist columnist based in Beijing, reviewed a new book by Professor Minxin Pei, who was introduced as an academic based at Claremont McKenna College in California. You can read the introductory paragraphs of this review here. Chaguan is, in real-life, David Rennie, the son of a former MI6 Director.
The panic of the ruling class
Briefly, the chance of the kind of democratic triumph of the working people of which George Galloway dreams, became real with the popular uprising that led to Jeremy Corbyn being placed as Labour leader.
Sexism and the system: Women speak out
For International Women’s Day, Counterfire asked women activists their views on the state of the struggle for women’s liberation. We are publishing a selection of answers over the weekend.
BAP Backgrounder: Haiti behind the headlines
Haiti is in the headlines again and, as usual, the headlines on Haiti are mostly negative.
October Revolution: The first general recognition of women’s equality in history
The land of the October revolution: a country of women walking on the road to emancipation
“What Is Anti-Racism? And Why It Means Anti-Capitalism,” A book review
Arun Kundnani details the histories of liberal and radical anti-racism and argues that anti-racism ultimately means anti-capitalism.