Subjects Archives: Democracy

  • Declaration by Zimbabwean Civil Society regarding a Transition to Democracy in Zimbabwe

    Briefly. . . 15 July 2008 Broad Zimbabwean Civil Society adopted Declaration calling for establishment of transitional authority, drafting of a new peopled-driven constitution and subsequent democratic elections DECLARATION BY  ZIMBABWEAN CIVIL SOCIETY REGARDING A TRANSITION TO DEMOCRACY IN ZIMBABWE following the “Whither Zimbabwe: National Civil Society Consultative Conference” We, civil society organizations acting on […]

  • On The Eve of Republic in Nepal: An Exclusive Interview for MRZine with CPN(Maoist) Leader Prachanda

    It is 14th Jeth, 2065, [Tuesday, May 27th, 2008] in Nepal, the day before the Constituent Assembly is to convene and declare Nepal a full Republic.  The king remains in his palace.  The form of the new government, who will lead it, whether the old parliamentary parties will join in a Maoist-led government or, as […]

  • SEIU: How Democratic?

      For the first time in a generation or more, SEIU is facing a substantial movement by internal dissidents seeking to push through democratic reforms.  This push has a two-fold character. One prong is the very public resignation by Sal Roselli, the head of United Healthcare Workers — West (UHW), the third largest local in […]

  • Who Can See Palestine?

      In September 2000, I decided to do my part to bring peace to the Middle East.  As a Canadian attorney of Palestinian origin, I believed I could use my legal skills to help broker a peace agreement between Israel and the Palestinians.  Naive?  Perhaps. I left my comfortable life in California and moved to […]

  • A Continental Campaign for Living Wages and Social Justice

      A coalition of Mexican unions and social movements has been calling for a continental workers’ campaign for a living wage and social justice in the three NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement) countries.  The original call was made in November 2006 (see Richard Roman and Edur Velasco, “Mexican Workers Call for a Continental Workers’ […]

  • The International Criminal Court

    “La Hojilla,” a program on the Venezolana de Televisión TV channel, took it upon itself to select, for months up to March 5, information and phrases that precisely reflect the imperialist plan to do with Chávez what was done with Milosevic after the genocidal war of Kosovo: to try him in the International Criminal Court.

  • Kenya: Failures of Elite Transition

      The events in Kenya after the much criticized and controversial elections of 27 December 2007 have exposed the planned failures of our nascent democracy and the ideological rot and inadequacy across the Kenyan body politic.  This has left many wondering what actually went wrong.  I posit that an ideologically bankrupt political process that revolves around access […]

  • Reflections on Venezuela: Food, Health, Democracy, and a Hope for a Better World

    Written hurriedly in Caracas February 2008 Background These are some brief impressions and reflections in the midst of a short visit to Venezuela.  For 10 days I traveled with a wonderful group of 23, mainly from the New York City area (with delegates from Washington, DC, Washington State, and myself from Vermont).  It was led […]

  • The South Carolina You Won’t See on CNN

      South Carolina 2000: Six hundred police in riot gear facing a few dozen angry-as-hell workers on the docks of Charleston.  In the darkness, rocks, clubs and blood fly.  The cops beat the crap out of the protesters.  Of course, it’s the union men who are arrested for conspiracy to riot.  And of course, of […]

  • Interview with Saiful Huq, Workers Party of Bangladesh

      Comrade Saiful Huq, General Secretary of the Workers Party of Bangladesh, attended the entire Congress [of the CPI(ML) Liberation] along with a delegation comprising Nasiruddin Ahmed Nasu (Politburo [PB] Member), Abdus Salam (PB Member), Bahnishikha Jamali (Central Committee Member), and Nazrul Islam, a journalist and Party member.  Members of this delegation also joined teams […]

  • After Referendum Defeat, Chávez Pledges to Continue the Struggle:A Report from Caracas

      “O there are times, we must confess To harboring a whim — we Like to picture old Karl Marx Sliding down our chimney” — Susie Day“Help fund the good fight.   By contributing to MR, you help reinforce the left and reclaim the future.” — Richard D. Vogel “To do my part, I just […]

  • The Right to Our Land Must Be Restored

      This week in Annapolis, Maryland, the United States government will host a conference between Palestinian and Israeli leaders to launch peace talks on a permanent agreement.  A vital component of the peace proposals to be discussed involves exchanges of territory that would allow Israel to keep its West Bank “settlement blocs” while compensating Palestinians […]

  • Notes on the Istanbul Al-Quds Conference

      One extremely positive aspect of the recent Istanbul Al-Quds International Forum is that it took place at all, despite Israeli pressures.  It had been known from the beginning that Israel was not happy about any activity that might disrupt the music of the Annapolis orchestra. Despite the Erdogan government’s relative strength in resisting the […]

  • An Imperial Democracy [Una democracia imperial]

    A juzgar por los documentos que nos quedan, Tucídides (460-396 a. C.) fue el primer filósofo de la historia que descubrió el poder como un fenómeno humano y no como una virtud que conferían los cielos o los demonios.  También fue conciente del valor principal del dinero para vencer en cualquier guerra.  Podemos agregar otra: […]

  • Trapping Republicans: The New York State Driver’s License Controversy

    City of Troy Rensselaer County New York My county clerk, Frank Merola, has been making a name for himself lately.  Reacting to NY State Governor Eliot Spitzer’s change in the requirements for a NY State Driver’s license, which would drop the need for a social security number, Merola told the press “As long as I […]

  • One more argument for the UN

    While working on the already famous Greenspan book, I read an article published by El País, a Spanish newspaper with a circulation of more than 500,000, according to reports; I would like to pass this on to the readers. It is signed by Ernesto Ekaizer, and it literally reads:

  • A Blood Pressure Lowering Guide to the Democratic Party and Democrats

    Many folks on the Left, and in our labor movement, are afflicted with frequent bouts of anguish and outrage as we observe the action or inaction of some Democrat in office — or running for office.  Those on the Left who claim to be recovered — or never afflicted — by this disease often seem […]

  • New Element Discovered: Capitalisium

      A public university sociology department has recently announced the discovery of the most toxic element yet known to social science.  This new element has been named Capitalisium (Cp).  Capitalisium is a very volatile, dynamic, and toxic element, containing 1 positron, 1 neutron, and 1 huge electron along with boards of electrons, various vice electrons, […]

  • Support the Democratic Revolution in Nepal

    The Health Team for Nepal was formed in 2006.  The aim of the Health Team project is to help poor people in rural areas of Nepal.  The Health Team for Nepal cooperates with the medical department of the People’s Liberation Army in order to attain this goal.  The health team for Nepal consists of two […]

  • The Palestinian Left: A Lost Opportunity

      When Hamas members were elected as the majority bloc of the Palestinian Legislative Council, and as it became apparent that a US-led international embargo would be an adjoining price to that victory, I contacted many intellectuals and writers in Palestine, mostly those who often positioned themselves as part of the Palestinian Left.  I asked […]