The World’s Most Dangerous Marxist | John Bellamy Foster | #182 HR
Foster explains Marx’s ecological critique of capitalism and how the concept of “metabolic rift” highlights the alienation between humans and nature caused by capitalism’s focus on profit over sustainability.
Everybody knows the reef is dying
Environment Minister Tanya Plibersek last week welcomed a UNESCO World Heritage Committee decision not to list the Great Barrier Reef as “in danger”. But what is “great news” to Plibersek is not great news for the reef.
U.S. High Schoolers launch Green New Deal for ‘Our Schools and Our Futures’
“Public schools belong to us, and we know we deserve better,” said a Sunrise Movement organizer and the youngest school board member in Idaho.
The Climate March: Magnificent and Misdirected
At least 75,000 marched in New York City on September 17, quite impressive, inspiring to be a part of. As compared to previous marches, last seen pre-Covid, there were more people of color, indigenous and immigrant participants.
Campesinos as Scientists: PROINPA Combats seed dependency
PROINPA is a grassroots campesino organization promoting food sovereignty, endogenous seed production, and an agroecological transition.
degrowth: a remarkable renaissance
This article, by Alan Thornett, was written for the current edition of the Green Left’s publication Watermelon in advance of the Green Party conference.
Study finds human-driven mass extinction is eliminating entire branches of the tree of life
The passenger pigeon. The Tasmanian tiger. The Baiji, or Yangtze river dolphin. These rank among the best-known recent victims of what many scientists have declared the sixth mass extinction, as human actions are wiping out vertebrate animal species hundreds of times faster than they would otherwise disappear.
Degrowth and ecosocialist revolution
It is becoming increasingly clear that humanity cannot resolve the anthropogenic ecological crises without radically restructuring our social relations—a consensus shared by the degrowth movement and revolutionary socialism. Panel Discussion at Socialism 2023
A climate of Insanity
Inherent in the nature of insanity is the fact that those inflicted by it are unaware of their mental state, nor do crowds of people or for that matter political parties, and business elites, leading populations to catastrophe, from the scale of the Johnstown all the way to Aushwitz and Berlin to Viet Nam, Iraq and Afghanistan
New study identifies United States as ‘Planet-Wrecker-in-Chief’
Planned fossil fuel expansion in the U.S. accounts for more than a third of new oil and gas extraction projects set to begin through 2050, according to Oil Change International.
Dispatches from Atlanta and the Movement to Stop Cop City
Long Live Weelaunee.
Where now for the Climate Movement?
It is just four years on from the global mass mobilisations of young people inspired by Swedish climate activist and Friday for Futures (FFF) founder Greta Thunberg.
Why the media aren’t telling the whole story of Libya’s floods
There are reasons for Libya’s ‘chaotic’, ‘dysfunctional’ response to the disaster. And to identify them, we need to look closer to home.
All planetary boundaries mapped out for the first time, six of nine crossed
For the first time, an international team of scientists is able to provide a detailed outline of planetary resilience by mapping out all nine boundary processes that define a safe operating space for humanity.
A wasted planet gone on sale
The planet has been laid to waste, and society pays for the waste in both money and lost years of life.
‘There is nothing green about economic growth in high-income countries’
Lancet study finds ‘green growth’ policies fall far short of what’s needed to prevent dangerous change
The Federal Government is evolving on marijuana-but not fast enough
We shouldn’t treat cannabis like heroin. But we shouldn’t treat it like ketamine either, as a federal agency now recommends.
We’re rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic: don’t ask me to help out
Highlighting the climate crisis is not ‘alarmism’, as critics say. Big Business wants an exclusive focus on climate because it downplays the true reasons for alarm.
Ecuador just showed the world what it means to take climate change seriously
It is long past time we end our mad rush to burn the planet to the ground.
Brazil stopped deforestation in the Amazon, but ‘the point of no return’ is still close
In 40 years, Amazon rainforest lost an area equivalent to France; at this rate, catastrophe is imminent, say scientists.