Blunders – Splits – War
Today the Linke is tragically split, on both political approaches and personalities.… [M]ost worrisome is the split about the present war. Some in the Left downplay the role of NATO, call for total condemnation of Russian imperialism and total military support for the Ukraine, in agreement with most media positions.
The framework convention on climate is dead. Now what?
The UN Framework Convention on Climate Change went into effect in March 1994. Yet, of the twenty-seven meetings that the UNFCCC has held to date, the most recent one, in Sharm-el-Sheik, Egypt, was the most inconsequential.
The California floods and the climate crisis
The death toll from the ongoing storms and flooding across California and parts of Arizona, Nevada and Oregon rose to at least 18 on Wednesday.
The winds of the New Cold War are howling in the Arctic Circle: The Second Newsletter (2023)
In 1996, the eight countries on the Arctic rim—Canada, Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Russia, Sweden, and the United States—formed the Arctic Council, a journey that began in 1989 when Finland approached the other countries to hold a discussion about the Arctic environment.
The lesson we should have learned from ‘Silent Spring’
We have to address the way that corporations create, shape, and control demand, leveraging the state as a tool.
Inside Southwest’s horrific holidays
Blame the wealthy, not the weather.
Our survival depends on a world without billionaires
The study looks at the impact of 125 of the richest billionaires globally, whose carbon emissions equal those of France, or 67 million people, and shows that just the richest 10 of those individuals own more wealth than the poorest 40% of humanity. The average billionaire in the study is responsible for carbon emissions over one million times higher than the average person in the bottom 90% of humanity.
Ecological imperialism and the Canadian mining industry
In 2013, Edward Snowden’s leak of documents pertaining to the inner workings of National Security Agency (NSA) sparked international revelations about the reach and unaccountability of Washington’s international surveillance apparatus. One series of documents that remain understudied, however, concern similar activities orchestrated by the Canadian government.
Climate change: Co-extinction will cause loss of a quarter of species by 2100, says study
In a recent study published in Science, scientists analysed how the co-extinction of species accelerates the overall loss of biodiversity and predicted possible loss.
Ian H Angus – “Groundwork of Phenomenological Marxism: Crisis, Body, World”
There is much more here than can be covered in a brief review, including interesting discussions of language, laughter, neo-mercantile capitalism, digital information and abstract nature, a correlate to abstract labor.
Hypocrisy of the rich countries and the green energy’s storage problem
THE crux of the issue is that non-fossil, or even a low fossil fuel path, will need grid-level storage costs to drop by a factor of 10 times what they are today!
The Netherlands: Template for ecomodernism’s Brave New World?
Disaster capitalism and crisis narratives are currently being used to manipulate popular sentiment and push through a set of unpalatable policies that would otherwise lack sufficient political support.
Rich nations doubly responsible for greenhouse gas emissions
Natural flows do not respect national boundaries. The atmosphere and oceans cross international borders with little difficulty, as greenhouse gases (GHGs) and other fluids, including pollutants, easily traverse frontiers.
Green growth
Capitalist and neocolonial fantasies are hampering a just transition.
The crisis of Western imperialism and the imperative of war and repression
The world as we know it must change. Humanity cannot survive under imperialist and capitalist structures.
Should we be worried about eight billion people?
Our immediate crisis is caused by a system that encourages endless growth, exploitation, waste and energy use.
On the development of China’s environmental policies towards an ecological civilization
We are very pleased to republish this important article by Efe Can Gürcan, Associate Professor at Türkiye’s Istinye University, which originally appeared in Volume 3 Issue 3 of the BRIQ(Belt & Road Initiative Quarterly).
The environment may be the number one issue in the new agenda among progressive South American
Petro’s, Lula’s, and Maduro’s positions show South Americans are united about the Amazon; it may reintegrate Venezuela.
“South Africa’s ‘Just’ transition climate deal with the west is a betrayal of the working class”
South Africa is set to implement an $8.5bn plan funded by western countries to transition from coal-based energy to renewables. The country’s biggest union NUMSA has warned this plan will only intensify privatization while burdening South Africans with debt and poverty.
Greenland is worse than ever, much worse
A new study finds Greenland’s ice sheet thinning much further into the ice sheet core than previously thought, 100 miles inland. (Source: S. Khan, et al, Extensive Inland Thinning and Speed-Up of North-East Greenland Stream, Nature, November 9, 2022)