Science and Freedom: Toward a new revolutionary epistemology
Paul Robeson, speaking of the scientific achievements of the West which have formed the bedrock of its claim to supremacy, posed a question for the 20th century: “having found the key, has Western man—Western bourgeois man—sufficient strength left to turn it in the lock?”
The Commune, a living tradition for Pumé people in Venezuela
Coporo Indigena is an Indigenous community in Apure state that has resisted settler violence, displacement from their land… and now the U.S. blockade.
The Summit of the Future
The core idea of the Summit of the Future is that humanity is facing a set of unprecedented challenges that can only be solved through global cooperation.
Oklahoma’s Bible requirement is a part of a broader Rightwing assault
The mandate to place Bibles in classrooms reflects a larger effort to undermine the rule of law.
‘Principles and Methods of a Marxist Kunstwissenschaft—Attempt at an Outline’
It is not easy to explain in such a limited space which philosophical, methodological, and practical features characterize the study of Kunstwissenschaft that arose from the insights won by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels and were enriched by Vladimir Lenin, as well as many other scholars and revolutionaries.
On The Rewriting of History
[Britannica’s revisionist] distortions of the history of the Vietnamese struggle are just as radical and just as misleading [as those about the Soviet Union]. Here we may draw some valuable lessons about the hidden content of form: how apparently neutral principles of organization may shape meaning.
How Karl Marx influenced Abraham Lincoln and his position on slavery & labor
If resistance to the Slave Power was the reserved watchword of your first election, the triumphant war cry of your re-election is Death to Slavery.
The revolutionary dialectic of Balzac’s ‘Human Comedy’
Honoré de Balzac is renowned as a prolific literary genius and was one of Marx and Engels’ favourite authors.
We’ve seen this “antisemitism crisis on the Left” script before
It sure is a crazy coincidence how western politicians and media always start urgently telling us about an invisible epidemic of left wing antisemitism every time western military ties to Israel are subjected to widespread public scrutiny.
Pioneers for Communism: Strive to be like Che
The French philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre once called Ernesto ‘Che’ Guevara the “most complete human being of our age.”
Alfredo Maneiro, reader of Machiavelli
VA columnist Reinaldo Iturriza explores Venezuelan political theorist Alfredo Maneiro’s concept of exercising political power with “revolutionary quality.”
Today’s Lenin
The Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung, based in Berlin, recently issued a bulletin entitled, “Seven Reasons Not to Leave Lenin to Our Enemies.” This was intriguing because Rosa was one of Lenin’s sternest critics, and during the Cold War era, her works found print in the United States as vindication of current U.S. policies against the Soviet Union.
Red Traces, Part 17: The golden age of Islamic science
Medieval Muslim thinkers ironically provided the intellectual foundations for the rise of the West, writes Sean Ledwith.
How BJP masked its class agenda with false religious narrative
In attacking the wealth tax proposal, the PM whipped up hatred against Muslims, trashed Congress, thereby protecting his super-rich patrons.
Ianir Milevski (ed) “Marxist Archeology Today: Historical Materialist Perspectives in Archeology from America, Europe and the Near East in the 21st Century”
Archeology has always been a political science. Since its inception the field has attempted to trace our lineage as a species along the lines of identity, territory and culture. Though often portrayed as a discipline slightly closer to the hard sciences than historiography, it is much closer to its distant cousin in the social sciences than towards anything resembling an empirical practice.
On fascism and other maladies: A conversation with Luis Britto García
One of Venezuela’s most respected intellectuals talks about fascism and corruption scandals in the lead-up to the presidential elections.
The CIA overthrow of Kwame Nkrumah and the struggle against neo-colonialism in West Africa today
One day after his inauguration, Bassirou Diomaye Faye—Senegal’s new self-proclaimed “left Pan-Africanist” president—announced that the new government will conduct an audit of the country’s oil, gas and mining sectors.
An interconnected whole–an interview with Mark Duffield
ROAPE interviews Mark Duffield about his life and work.
The West believes antisemitism is a more egregious problem than genocide
The loss of Western authority as a result of Israel’s genocidal attack on Gaza has merely sped up changes already underway for a generation.
The crisis of liberalism
Modern liberalism was developed in response to the Bolshevik Revolution during the capitalist crisis of the inter-war period, as a way of resolving that crisis, and other similar crises that could arise in future, without transcending capitalism.