Jewish anti-Zionists fight slander against their pro-Palestinian advocacy
Those who claim pro-Palestinian Jews are not really Jewish are “by my definition, completely unhinged.”
Beyond the binary of race and class: A Marxist Humanist perspective
The emergence of a new generation of antiracist activists and theorists seeking to advance an anticapitalist agenda creates a new vantage point of reexamining how racism relates to the logic of capital. This essay explores sources in the work of Marx, twentieth century Marxists, and Frantz Fanon that can provide direction for overcoming the binary of class and race.
Gramsci and his friend “S”
Piero and Nino exchanged ideas, criticized one another, encouraged each other; Nino often used Piero, seven-years his junior, as an intellectual sounding board, as a trusted interlocutor, asking for advice, for suggestions, whether his friend could chase up a source, a book or journal, a magazine or newspaper article, could he confirm this fact and that, find out some precise detail about Croce’s historical studies, if Machiavelli ever wrote anything about economics, or David Ricardo about philosophy.
On the Marxist critique of Heidegger
How Marxists should approach the critique of Martin Heidegger.
Dossier No. 75: The Political Organisation of Brazil’s Landless Workers’ Movement (MST)
This dossier focuses on the MST’s tactics and forms of organisation and why it is the only peasant social movement in Brazil’s history that has managed to survive for over a decade in the face of the political, economic, and military power of Brazil’s large landowners.
Pope Francis has abandoned transgender Catholics
In a recent official Declaration on Human Dignity, Dignitas Infinita, the Pope has endorsed a document that effectively outlaws sex change for transgender Catholics. The Declaration is both harsh and unrelenting in its tone, dismissive of new science and judgemental of those Catholics who in good faith make life choices contrary to the edicts of the Church. Nothing new here, but just another slap in the face for people who seek to live their God given lives as authentically and honestly as possible.
Matter in motion: Dialectical philosophy’s role in science
In this second article in a series on philosophy and science, we take a look at dialectics and its relevance to understanding change in the natural world.
Materialism matters: The role of philosophy in science
In this first article in a series on philosophy and science, we take a look at materialism and why it is fundamental to science.
For a progressive pedagogy: Why we need Vygotsky
This article looks at Vygotsky’s relationship to the Russian Revolution and explores his key ideas about how we develop concepts and learn, as well as about the nature of imagination and play.
A striking contrast
Reichstag Fire was a crucial event in the conversion of Germany from a liberal democracy into a fascist dictatorship in 1933.
The premises of the diplomatic mission shall be inviolable: The Fifteenth Newsletter (2024)
From Israel’s bombing of Iran’s embassy in Damascus to Ecuador’s raid on the Mexican embassy in Quito, leaders feel emboldened by the impunity granted by the Global North to disregard diplomatic norms and respect.
The anatomy of a ‘Hindu Rashtra’
Words can be highly deceptive; and Hindu rashtra is a perfect example of this.
Marxist theory in Japan: A critical overview
I. To summarise the reception history of Marx in Japan is no small task.1 In fact, it is essentially impossible to give an adequate overview of one of the deepest, most prolific, and most variegated linguistic repositories of the Marxist tradition. Although it remains remarkably little-known in contemporary European or North American intellectual circles, Marxism […]
Dr Rose Dugdale–Fighter for Irish freedom, student of Chairman Mao
Rose was born into immense wealth and privilege in England but gave it all up to devote her life to the working and oppressed people of the world and to the liberation of Ireland and the fight for a socialist republic in particular.
Why the Left should reject Heidegger’s thought. (Part 1: The Question of Being)
While most leftists have no problem rejecting Heidegger as a person, many ostensibly progressive or left-wing philosophers have nevertheless adopted Heideggerian positions.
What is the Dialectical Materialist Ontology?
Objective dialectics, i.e., the dialectical materialist ontology, first and foremost holds that the world is dominated by change and interconnection, “nothing is eternal but eternally changing.”
The man in whose shadow Netanyahu walks
Israel is unlikely to stop its assault on Gaza without massive pressure, and the reasons are rooted in the history of Zionism, argues Chris Bambery.
Some of my best enemies are feminists: on Zionist feminism
Historically speaking, Zionist feminism shares key characteristics of colonial feminisms of the nineteenth century.
Scholar or ideologue?
In mid-February, Chaguan, the (pen-named) Economist columnist based in Beijing, reviewed a new book by Professor Minxin Pei, who was introduced as an academic based at Claremont McKenna College in California. You can read the introductory paragraphs of this review here. Chaguan is, in real-life, David Rennie, the son of a former MI6 Director.
Seven reasons not to leave Lenin to our enemies
The Left has tossed Lenin’s corpse to the victors of history—both the Stalinists and their liberal opponents.