The 700,000 Club: Joe Biden’s Deportation Frenzy
In under a year, the Biden regime has detained and deported more asylum seekers than his predecessor, demonstrating that there is an alignment among the U.S. political elites–of both parties–when it comes to creating and enforcing racist, inhumane laws.
Are there “foreigners” in the U.S. working class?
Politicians and the media work hard to give the impression that millions of low-wage workers are constantly seeking entry into the U.S. Most U.S. news consumers would probably be astonished to learn that the undocumented population here actually declined during the years from 2008 to 2016. It continued to decline at least until 2019.
Property: Is it theft? Is it freedom or is it both? Merry Christmas!
Not long after Thanksgiving this year, I went to San Francisco’s Japantown (“Jtown” to locals). Surrounded by commodities for sale and in a high rent district I was reminded of Pierre-Joseph Proudhon’s famous remark, “La propriété, c’est le vol!, which is usually translated as “Property is theft.”
Media don’t factcheck right-wing migration myths
Increases and declines in unauthorized immigration mostly correlate with changes in job opportunities and other economic conditions in the United States and in nearby countries.
Defund the global climate wall
To create a safer, more sustainable world, the United States needs to divert border money toward climate action.
The “border crisis” numbers don’t add up
According to Customs and Border Protection (CBP), fiscal 2021’s final number of migrants apprehended or encountered at the southwestern border was 1,734,686, higher than the 1,643,679 total apprehensions for fiscal 2000.
Borders, Blackness, and Empire
The spectacle of violence against Haitians at the U.S.-Mexico border needs to be seen in light of ongoing U.S. imperialism in Haiti.
Imperialism, Migrant Labor, and the Nation: The Canadian Example
By centering “human capital” and providing more pathways to work and residency for higher-skilled migrants, despite lower-skilled migrant workers having a far greater desire to temporarily migrate and permanently settle, Canada is able to continually reap the benefits of both high-skilled and low-skilled labor without having to socially reproduce either.
Media ‘Border crisis’ threatens immigration reform
What’s striking is how badly the situation has been represented in the more centrist and prestigious parts of the corporate media.
How the modern NRA was born at the border
Watch our release of documentary short The Rifleman, which examines how NRA head Harlon Carter fused gun rights, immigration enforcement, and white supremacy. Then read an interview with filmmaker Sierra Pettengill and historian Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz.
Crediting Xenophobia—rather than organizing—with raising workers’ wages
The Economist (2/15/20) ran a brief article last year with a startling headline: “Immigration to America Is Down. Wages Are Up. Are the Two Related?” Maybe, the article’s anonymous author answered, at least for the short term.
Trump’s turn from immigration to the enemy within
Trump’s shift from demonizing immigrants to targeting leftists is straight out of the fascist playbook.
The Democrats’ immigration agenda
The immigration plank in this year’s Democratic Party platform is a reminder that real immigration reform isn’t going to happen without serious grassroots organizing.
Witnessing the hell that a migrant can face
The Saudi-UAE war on Yemen has been going on for five years. Despite recent peace talks leading to an improvement in aid distribution, the violence has escalated in certain key districts of Yemen over the past two weeks. Since January, 35,000 Yemenis have been displaced from their homes, an indicator of the dangerous situation in the country.
The war in Libya will never end
General Khalifa Haftar and his Libyan National Army (LNA) continue to partly encircle Libya’s capital, Tripoli. Not only does the LNA threaten Tripoli, but it is within striking distance of Libya’s third-largest city, Misrata.
The climate-migration-industrial complex
Thirty years ago there were fifteen border walls around the world. Now there are seventy walls and over one billion national and international migrants. International migrants alone may even double in the next forty years due to global warming.
Back to the wall
The same American myths that drove frontier expansion now support closing the borders.
Warnings ancient and modern
Before the Berlin Wall was torn down we all made sarcastic jokes about its official designation by East German (GDR) party leaders as “anti-fascist protective barrier”. But hearing racist ranting by AfD leaders now hoping for victories and seeing gangs of marching thugs with barely–paraphrased Nazi slogans we must wonder if perhaps that scorned terminology also contained just a bit of truth.
Pushing out the Border: How the U.S. is waging a global war on migration
A PRINCIPAL GOAL of the Trump administration’s policy at the U.S.-Mexico border —and in Central America, considered of late only in relation to that border-has been to get other governments to handle the increase in migrants seeking to enter the United States.
Science group opposes planned immigration raids, mistreatment of immigrants
Statement by Ken Kimmell, President, Union of Concerned Scientists