The unheard voices: How society silences women
In our country and across the world, the voices of women often go unheard. Whether it is a gasping plea of ‘I can’t breathe’ or a harrowing confession of ‘He raped me,’ the voices of women are frequently dismissed, disbelieved, or outright ignored. This tragic reality stems from a deeply ingrained societal bias that views women as manipulative, deceitful, and cunning. Through this gendered lens, society perpetuates a culture of scepticism and distrust toward women, effectively demonising them and invalidating their experiences.
The resistible rise of the far right in Europe
In France, the far right is likely to be the leading political force in the European elections of 9 June 2024, and probably the second (or third) force in the European Union. A relatively large number of far right parties are now on the winning side in national elections, and are even taking part in national governments.
Marxism and ecology: Does the answer ‘lie in the soil?’
Marx and Engels’ concern with soil provides a focus for understanding the relationship between capitalism and the environment, argues the MARX MEMORIAL LIBRARY.
Ianir Milevski (ed) “Marxist Archeology Today: Historical Materialist Perspectives in Archeology from America, Europe and the Near East in the 21st Century”
Archeology has always been a political science. Since its inception the field has attempted to trace our lineage as a species along the lines of identity, territory and culture. Though often portrayed as a discipline slightly closer to the hard sciences than historiography, it is much closer to its distant cousin in the social sciences than towards anything resembling an empirical practice.
Ian Angus’s “The War Against the Commons”: A vital new history of the bloody rise of capitalism
Primitive accumulation is the historical process through which capitalists stole their wealth or took it by force. Canadian ecosocialist Ian Angus has contributed an excellent new book on this history, covering the violent transition from feudalism to capitalism in depth while demonstrating its continuing relevance to the modern world..
Thomas Sankara remains a global icon
His vision of a socialist, pan-Africanist model of development was not buried with him.
On fascism and other maladies: A conversation with Luis Britto García
One of Venezuela’s most respected intellectuals talks about fascism and corruption scandals in the lead-up to the presidential elections.
The CIA overthrow of Kwame Nkrumah and the struggle against neo-colonialism in West Africa today
One day after his inauguration, Bassirou Diomaye Faye—Senegal’s new self-proclaimed “left Pan-Africanist” president—announced that the new government will conduct an audit of the country’s oil, gas and mining sectors.
Practicing science as class struggle
Tenant Unionism, Public Health, and Radical Science in Connecticut.
An interconnected whole–an interview with Mark Duffield
ROAPE interviews Mark Duffield about his life and work.
The West believes antisemitism is a more egregious problem than genocide
The loss of Western authority as a result of Israel’s genocidal attack on Gaza has merely sped up changes already underway for a generation.
The crisis of liberalism
Modern liberalism was developed in response to the Bolshevik Revolution during the capitalist crisis of the inter-war period, as a way of resolving that crisis, and other similar crises that could arise in future, without transcending capitalism.
Communist Party of Israel-Hadash: Netanyahu’s fascist government on verge of causing humanitarian disaster in Rafah
“Israel’s fascist government is on the verge of bringing about a humanitarian disaster in Rafah,” Hadash and Communist Party of Israel (CPI) says in a common statement on Monday, May 6.
“To be free is to free others”: Formerly incarcerated women urge decarceration
The fight to free women and end mass incarceration is long and ongoing, but these activists aren’t giving up.
10 years of injustice: Anti-fascist leader recounts Odessa massacre
May 2 marks the 10th anniversary of one of the biggest crimes of 21st century fascism—the massacre of nearly 50 activists at the House of Trade Unions in Odessa, Ukraine.
Ecological crisis and the role of the working class
The agents of such a holistic revolution to save Mother Earth are not simply the working class in a traditional economic sense, but also the ‘ecological proletariat’, a dedicated army of an ecologically conscious working class, writes Rana Mitra.
Jewish anti-Zionists fight slander against their pro-Palestinian advocacy
Those who claim pro-Palestinian Jews are not really Jewish are “by my definition, completely unhinged.”
Beyond the binary of race and class: A Marxist Humanist perspective
The emergence of a new generation of antiracist activists and theorists seeking to advance an anticapitalist agenda creates a new vantage point of reexamining how racism relates to the logic of capital. This essay explores sources in the work of Marx, twentieth century Marxists, and Frantz Fanon that can provide direction for overcoming the binary of class and race.
From World War II to Gaza: U.S. Labour opposition to war and fascism
To understand the growing support within union ranks for an end to unconditional U.S. military and financial support for Israel in its conduct of a brutal war, it is important to look back at the legacy to which the UAW statements refer.
Gramsci and his friend “S”
Piero and Nino exchanged ideas, criticized one another, encouraged each other; Nino often used Piero, seven-years his junior, as an intellectual sounding board, as a trusted interlocutor, asking for advice, for suggestions, whether his friend could chase up a source, a book or journal, a magazine or newspaper article, could he confirm this fact and that, find out some precise detail about Croce’s historical studies, if Machiavelli ever wrote anything about economics, or David Ricardo about philosophy.