Will depopulation sink China?
In the following article, Adnan Akfirat, Chairman of the Turkish-Chinese Business and Development Friendship Association, and a member of our advisory group, analyses the recent demographic changes in China, which see the population not only age but start to fall, with India on course to become the world’s most populous nation this year, if it has not already done so.
Why I wrote a book about my pet parrot
Michael & Debby Smith write about 30 years of living with a parrot whose intelligence and emotional awareness challenges our human-centric world view.
A masterpiece of Socialist Realism
BRUNI DE LA MOTTE recommends a classic of East German literature that gives a human face to difficult political choices.
Socialism is increasingly popular in the U.S. So the House of Representatives denounces it
Conservatives in the House of Representatives passed a resolution “denouncing the horrors of socialism” and opposing the implementation of socialist policies.
Peace deal between Ethiopian government and TPLF holds despite delays in implementation; U.S. escalates attempts to scapegoat Eritrea
Attempts by U.S. and other Western countries to sow discord between Ethiopia and Eritrea “will not be successful because the majority of the Ethiopian people are grateful for the Eritrean army’s help in defeating the TPLF,” former Ethiopian diplomat Mohamed Hassan told Peoples Dispatch.
We are the Citizen Revolution again: Ecuador’s Rafael Correa
On Sunday, the Ecuadorian right-wing parties suffered a resounding defeat both in the subnational elections and in the referendum.
The question of the civilizational state: an interview at Guancha with Vijay Prashad
Following the interviews with Zhang Weiwei, director of the China Institute at Fudan University, and Martin Jacques, former senior fellow of the Department of Politics and International Studies at Cambridge University, Guancha.cn (观察者网) invited Vijay Prashad, executive director of the Tricontinental: Institute for Social Research, to continue the discussion on the “civilizational state”.
Animal crackers: Berlin Bulletin 207, February 5 2023
“Hey”, squeaked one furry lemming to another (in lemming-lingo, of course). “I saw you trying to slip away from the crowd! Do you want to betray us good lemmings. Maybe you’re a fox-lover, even a wolf-lover. You’d better keep in line till we reach our proper goal.” As lemming-lovers sadly know, that goal could be over the cliff into the sea.
Venezuela urgently needs a feminist emergency plan
VA writer Andreína Chávez takes stock of Venezuela’s alarming reality of gender violence and the lack of a comprehensive response from the state.
Latin America refuses to send Ukraine weapons, despite Western pressure
Brazil, Argentina, and Colombia have refused to send weapons to Ukraine, despite pressure by the U.S. and EU. Latin American left-wing leaders have urged peace with Russia and called for neutrality in the West’s new cold war.
Red Traces, Part 1: Cave paintings and primitive communism
Sean Ledwith begins a new monthly series that explores how the Marxist tradition seeks to explain the cultural peaks of human history.
Australia’s profit story: How workers experience productivity
If we really want to reverse wage stagnation our unions must use productivity improvement as bargaining power, even withdrawing it, rather than problem-solving it in elite tripartite consultations. Here’s why.
NYT worries Big Brother is not watching you
You might think, Wow, I didn’t think the Times had it in it to take on Google, Meta and Amazon so directly. Well… you’d be right.
Indonesia’s new criminal code: An attack on human rights and marxism
In early December, last year, the Indonesian government legislated a new criminal code to replace the old code that the country inherited from its past colonial oppressor, the Dutch. The government has claimed that the legislation of the new criminal code was an effort to “decolonize” Indonesia’s criminal justice system from the legacy of the Dutch East Indies colonial era.
Labour leader finally appears on a picket line…
… in the form of a life-size cardboard cut-out.
A startup says it’s begun releasing particles into the atmosphere, in an effort to tweak the climate
Make Sunsets is already attempting to earn revenue for geoengineering, a move likely to provoke widespread criticism.
Blunders – Splits – War
Today the Linke is tragically split, on both political approaches and personalities.… [M]ost worrisome is the split about the present war. Some in the Left downplay the role of NATO, call for total condemnation of Russian imperialism and total military support for the Ukraine, in agreement with most media positions.
Capitalism’s court jester: Slavoj Žižek
One of the most prominent intellectuals in the contemporary world was named to the list of the “Top 100 Global Thinkers” in Foreign Policy magazine in 2012. He shares this distinction with the likes of Dick Cheney, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, Benjamin Netanyahu, and former Mossad director Meir Dagan.
The Dakar Declaration
Adopted in October 2022 at the Museum of Black Civilizations, Dakar, Senegal.
DADA NEW YEAR: Tristan Tzara’s Boom, Boom, Boom
I know I’m not the only one thinking that our world has lost its mind. It’s not easy being some relatively sane person nowadays. At the best of times, politics is bankrupt. At its worst, it’s toxic, dominated by demagogues, liars and cheats. Their falsehoods fly wholesale, rarely disgruntling masses of people, let alone damaging a demagogue’s political career.