Why non-profit news might not be such a great idea
Journalism funded by foundations could deliver a dystopian info-hellscape of pink slime and dark money.
Palestinians will remain on Palestinian land: The Thirteenth Newsletter (2024)
Jared Kushner joins the chorus calling for Israel to expand its occupation to Gaza’s waterfront through forced displacement, but, if history is any judge, Palestinians will remain.
‘In even the best coverage there is no accountability for the Fossil Fuel Industry’
CounterSpin interview with Evlondo Cooper on climate coverage.
Politicians discussing climate change
Isaac Cordal is sympathetic toward his little people and you can empathize with their situations, their leisure time, their waiting for buses and even their more tragic moments such as accidental death, suicide or family funerals. The sculptures can be found in gutters, on top of buildings, on top of bus shelters; in many unusual and unlikely places.
Theater for Revolution: A conversation with Armando Carías
A playwright committed to social change talks about cultural production under the Bolivarian Process.
Meet the AI-Censored? Naked Capitalism
Google provides an early, scary test case for mechanized suppression by threatening a popular economics site with demonetization.
Top geology body denies appeal, rejects Anthropocene proposal
Ruling ends formal discussion in official geological organization.
How the western media helped build the case for genocide in Gaza
From obscuring the West’s role in starving Gaza to sensationalised accounts of mass rape by Hamas, journalists are playing the role of propagandists, not reporters.
Assange in plea deal talks
The report in The Wall Street Journal makes public what Consortium News had learned off the record, namely that the U.S. is engaging Julian Assange’s lawyers about a deal that could set the imprisoned publisher free.
What is the Dialectical Materialist Ontology?
Objective dialectics, i.e., the dialectical materialist ontology, first and foremost holds that the world is dominated by change and interconnection, “nothing is eternal but eternally changing.”
El Panal Commune breaches gap between City and Countryside
Caracas communards and campesino organizations are building ties through fair-price food distribution.
New York Times readers are the least informed ones
One presumes that readers of a media institution which calls itself the ‘paper of record’ would be informed about an important issue which in other media has for month led the headlines of the day.
Why are U.S. lawmakers dead set on banning TikTok?
Past efforts to ban the enormously popular app in the United States have failed. Recent success could be linked to the popularity of the Palestine solidarity movement.
The booksellers’ revolt
The READER Act would have required vendors to rate books on “explicitness” before selling to schools—and blacklisted those that didn’t comply.
House votes against TikTok—and for more Cold War
A bipartisan effort to effectively ban the social media network TikTok in the United States has taken a great leap forward.
The Central African Republic–the end of Françafrique and the return of imperialist competition
The Central African Republic has, despite being at the centre of the continent, been a country on the margins of global power since independence. Despite a conflict which has lasted for more than a decade, the country remains largely ignored. Ben Jackson writes that while African conflicts are often underreported, for example the war in Sudan barely gets a mention, the situation in the Central African Republic demands our attention.
Internet ‘gardeners’ resist the communication blackout of Gaza
Since October, Gaza has been an internet black hole. But the Italian NGO ACS has helped build a network of e-SIM internet hotspots known as the Gazaweb.
The Gates of the Great Continent: Palestine, China, and the War for Humanity’s Future (Part 4)
Now, as in the worldwide revolutionary upsurge of the 1960s-70s, the strongest emotive and analytical connections between China’s historical experience and the Palestinian resistance come through the memory of the Second Sino-Japanese War.
Some of my best enemies are feminists: on Zionist feminism
Historically speaking, Zionist feminism shares key characteristics of colonial feminisms of the nineteenth century.
Sex, liberation and the Russian Revolution
My main argument is: On balance, the fledgling socialist country did more to liberate human sexuality and gender in a shorter period of time than any society since the rise of classes. Despite the serious political errors the country made, I believe those errors would have been corrected had there been the time and space for the organized voices of oppressed groups to develop and assert their rights.