Black people used to attack revolutionary governments
The question of how Black people fare in a particular country can be a legitimate issue or a ruse used in the furtherance of U.S. regime change plots.
Co-opting the revolutionary history of MLK
I often think about how one of the most revolutionary black men in history can be completely altered; completely reconstructed; undergoing a kind of magical jolly negro transmorgification?
Resisting Eugenics and Racial Capitalism: Passover and the Tradition of Shifra and Puah
This world needs revolutionaries who refuse orders to kill and exploit. Two midwives named Shifra and Puah were such revolutionaries. When a racist ruler asked them to limit the reproduction of slaves—out of fear of a slave uprising—they disobeyed.
Josie Mpama
The twentieth century was marked by national liberation struggles that emerged in Africa and Asia, as well as in Latin America, where neocolonial structures had subordinated the formally independent countries. The achievements of the Russian Revolution in 1917 inspired the peasantry and the working class across the Global South. The fight for equality and liberation […]
Secret COINTELPRO plot to infiltrate and destroy the American Indian Movement: “We wanted them to kill each other”—FBI agent admits after 5 decades of silence
February 27 through May 8 marks the 50th anniversary of the occupation by the American Indian Movement (AIM) of Wounded Knee on the Oglala Lakota Pine Ridge reservation in South Dakota, the site of the last great massacre of the Indian Wars in December, 1890.
Challenging binary gender roles using Nkrumahism-Toureism-Cabralism
Gender binary–the classification of gender e.g. a “man” or “woman” into two, distinct, and opposite categorie–is a construct of class development and division and is therefore inconsistent with the humanist values of our Nkrumahist/Tureist/Cabralist ideology.
American Jews who bought ‘Jewish democracy’ label for apartheid need to wake up
We are all trying to wrap our heads around the political events happening in Israel now, and the speed with which they are happening.
Why embracing anti-colonialism made Malcolm a marked man
Malcolm X was a legendary revolutionary who is still loved by millions of people. The anniversary of his assassination is an opportunity to reflect on his impact.
Capitalism in Black and Blue
Policing is inextricably linked to racism and to capitalism.
SchoolStudents in Alabama walk out after told to limit Black history programme
Students said they were ordered to leave out major historical moments, including slavery and civil rights movement, from the programme scheduled for February 22 at Hillcrest High School in Tuscaloosa.
Southern Girls: Theater Review
Would Florida’s Fascistic Governor Ban This Play and Burn the Script?
Dossier No. 60: The 1973 Durban strikes: Building popular democratic power in South Africa
The 1973 Durban strikes were part of a wider political ferment in the city in the late 1960s and early 1970s, when it became a generative site of political experimentation and innovation.
Book Review: ‘No Equal Justice: The Legacy of Civil Rights Icon George W. Crockett’
David Gespass has been on the editorial board of the National Lawyers Guild Review for over twenty-years including several years as Editor in Chief. He is a past president of the National Lawyers Guild. David is doing his best to retire from the active practice of law with only moderate success.
FBI wants to put me on trial for fighting for Black freedom: Instead put the colonizer State on trial!
There are strong indications that in early 2023, I, Omali Yeshitela, Chairman of the African People’s Socialist Party, founder of the Uhuru (“Freedom”) Movement, will be indicted, along with other Uhuru leaders and members, by the federal government of the United States.
White Lives Matter more in Ukraine
The open white supremacy and fascism exhibited in Ukraine are conveniently swept under the rug. Nazis are bad, unless they serve the interests of the U.S. state.
The Progressive Left is maintaining systemic racism in New York City
Workers in the United States once united across trade and background to fight for the 8-hour workday. Today, many lament how weak the labor movement has become, often pointing to attacks from the right to strip unions and workers of power.
Two barrels aim at African People’s Socialist Party
With new FBI and Department of “Justice” (DOJ) attacks expected in early January, a defense, mobilization and information session attracted hundreds of allies of the African People’s Socialist Party (APSP).
“Shelby County v. Holder:” How the Supreme Court attacked Black voting rights
In 2013, five unelected judges gutted the right to vote for tens of millions of African Americans and others. The Supreme Court’s ruling in Shelby v. Holder overturned a key provision of the Voting Rights Act of 1965 (VRA) that prevented voter suppression.
Ghost stories of capitalism: Racism is REAL, and it’s a class struggle
In today’s political climate, the word racism has become taboo.
Brittney Griner and the U.S. State
Brittney Griner’s ordeal in Russia is over. But she has been secreted away for “reintegration” and the U.S. continues its own brand of international hostage taking.