Tag Archives | Berlin Bulletin

  • Berlin Bulletin by Victor Grossman

    Squaring circles for peace and war: Berlin Bulletin No. 224, July 11, 2024

    One can hate or admire any of the gentlemen now involved [in the push for peace in Ukraine]; I would endorse Satan himself if he could help end this God-awful war and move towards the urgently-needed peace in the area—and elsewhere.

  • Berlin Bulletin by Victor Grossman

    Germany and Netanyahu: Berlin Bulletin No. 223, June 7, 2024

    Far from water-logged Bavaria, immensely worse destruction is bloodily wrecking two million lives, and with Germany, though so distant, deeply involved. Of course I mean Palestine, especially Gaza. For decades the media has distorted or ignored what has been happening there. After October 7th ignoring it was no longer possible, here or anywhere.

  • Berlin Bulletin by Victor Grossman

    Humboldt and Gaza: Berlin Bulletin No. 222, May 4, 2024

    It was May 10th in Germany’s terrible year 1933, Hitler had been in power for hardly three months, when students and staff emptied the university libraries of forbidden books and threw them, an estimated 20,000 books by over a hundred authors, into the flames of a giant bonfire.… No books were burned this time in early May. But there were ironic parallels, some all too alarming!

  • Berlin Bulletin by Victor Grossman

    Taurus and the bullfighters: Berlin Bulletin No. 221, March 23, 2024

    Weapons, weapons, weapons—the more the better! With ever louder talk about “the foe” and “protective measures”, as if Putin were amassing troops or maneuvering warships along German borders—instead of just the opposite taking place in the Baltic and Lithuania…The blitzkrieg-laden spirit of 1941 Germany is all over the media.

  • Berlin Bulletin by Victor Grossman

    Split on the Left: Berlin Bulletin No. 218 – November 21 2023

    Is it a tragedy or a new hope? After months, in fact years of inner-party squabbling in Germany’s LINKE party (The Left), the die has been cast, the Rubicon crossed, and Sahra Wagenknecht, with nine other Bundestag deputies, has quit the party and announced their decision to found a new party in January.

  • Berlin Bulletin by Victor Grossman

    Historic events past and present: Berlin Bulletin no. 217

    Again the USA marked Veterans’ Day. Now all leading German parties also want such a “Veteranentag”—to honor all those past patriots who wore uniforms, voluntarily or not, and certainly to inspire many more reluctant young men or women to put on army boots and shoulder arms.… Not so many may recall that the earlier “Armistice Day” marked the end of World War One.

  • Berlin Bulletin by Victor Grossman

    Gaza and the world: Berlin Bulletin no. 26

    If I were in Israel today I might well have fears from above, but immensely worse ones if I were in Gaza. Or the West Bank. As for Trump, I do still have fears of a come-back, despite his legal troubles. But my fears for world peace: are they unfounded, perhaps nightmare products of an upset stomach?

  • Berlin Bulletin by Victor Grossman

    Othello and the War: Berlin Bulletin, September 11, 2023

    The war in Ukraine, a horrific tragedy for the people of that unhappy country, fateful as well for many young Russians and potentially menacing for all the world, with burnished weapons of every size and destructive power waiting in silos or submarines for a slip, a blunder, a provocation.

  • Berlin Bulletin by Victor Grossman

    Brawling on the brink: Berlin Bulletin no. 211, June 7, 2023

    “NATO—the U.S.-dominated global war machine—whose policy is ‘full dominance spectrum,’ contrary to its claims, is not a defensive organization. Its purpose has been to act as an instrument for U.S. world domination and to prevent all challenges to U.S. hegemony.” —Mairead Maguire

  • Berlin Bulletin by Victor Grossman

    Poetry politics and war: Berlin Bulletin no. 210, May 3, 2023

    The fearful destruction, the displacement of families, above all the killing and maiming must be deplored, condemned and brought to an end. But the underlying reasons for this terrible war, concealed in the media, must also be mercilessly examined, regardless of well-orchestrated accusations of “Putin-friendship” or “left-over allegiance to a past Soviet Russia”.

  • Berlin Bulletin by Victor Grossman

    Child’s play?: Berlin Bulletin 209, March 26 2023

    I recall a circle game from my childhood; after each round another chair was removed, leaving one more child out. We called it “Going to Jerusalem.” Last week Israeli boss Netanyahu arrived FROM Jerusalem. After two days he was out of the Berlin circle—one day too early.

  • Berlin Bulletin by Victor Grossman

    Despair and Joy: Berlin Bulletin 208, February 28, 2023

    Were any flags of sympathy displayed when the people of Serbia, Iraq or Afghanistan were bombed? When drones exploded on hospitals and wedding processions—were there also calls for tribunals against Bush—or Obama?

  • Berlin Bulletin by Victor Grossman

    Animal crackers: Berlin Bulletin 207, February 5 2023

    “Hey”, squeaked one furry lemming to another (in lemming-lingo, of course). “I saw you trying to slip away from the crowd! Do you want to betray us good lemmings. Maybe you’re a fox-lover, even a wolf-lover. You’d better keep in line till we reach our proper goal.” As lemming-lovers sadly know, that goal could be over the cliff into the sea.

  • Berlin Bulletin by Victor Grossman

    German unity, war of peace: Berlin Bulletin 205, October 9, 2022

    In 1990, on October 3rd, Germany could rejoice; unity at last, a single flag, a single anthem (“Deutschland über alles”), a single currency, a single foreign policy; in other words, freedom and democracy triumphant!

  • Berlin Bulletin by Victor Grossman

    Devils and the Ukraine: Berlin Bulletin 204, September 21, 2022

    Am I mistaken in hearing echoes of grating radio voices from my childhood, in 1938, frightening even without translation, and omens of the giant tragedy which descended upon the world just one year later? Today’s tones are smoother, the words more circumspect, but I see election results in Spain, Italy, France, even Denmark, Sweden and the Netherlands, the wrecking of the Labour Party in England and news from many regions of the USA—and I grow fearful.

  • Berlin Bulletin by Victor Grossman

    The war *Germany* the left: Berlin Bulletin No. 203, July 11, 2022

    In 1307 in Switzerland, so goes the legend, the Habsburg rulers’ local bailiff, Gessler, stuck his hat on a pole and commanded every passerby to salute it. Wilhelm Tell refused. As fearsome punishment he had to shoot an apple from his own little boy’s head with his crossbow. His aim was sure, the boy was safe. But “Gessler’s hat” still means forced obeisance to some symbol. Or else!

  • Berlin Bulletin by Victor Grossman

    Berlin  Munich  Kyiv: Berlin Bulletin No. 202, June 13, 2022

    The tide of public opinion in Germany is as overpowering–and changeable – as elsewhere: “Stop the Russian invasion!“ – “Defend Ukraine!”–“Send money”–“More, bigger, further-reaching weapons!”- “Defeat Russia!” Sustaining this tide is an all-encompassing media campaign.

  • Berlin Bulletin by Victor Grossman

    War and peace: Berlin Bulletin No. 201, May 2, 2022

    I’ve been toiling on this Berlin Bulletin for weeks, altering it, agonizing, starting anew. Events are simply too complicated and bitter–in the world and in Germany, too. Most dreadfully in Ukraine.

  • Berlin Bulletin by Victor Grossman

    A happy warrior + Esther Bejarano + Presente: Berlin Bulletin No. 193 July 20, 2021

    Esther Bejarano’s death hits hard, leaving a painful gap in Germany’s anti-fascist scene. Most media and many politicians voiced their praise and mourning—after almost totally ignoring her in life and attacking and trying to squelch organizations she was active in, as an avowed Communist.

  • Berlin Bulletin by Victor Grossman

    Jack and Jill tumble: Berlin Bulletin No. 192, July 3, 2021

    After legally receiving a Christmas gift of 24,000 euros from her party, Annalena Baerbock somehow neglected to report it in her tax returns. No big deal, some might think, but after the scandals about Christian Democrats nobly enriching themselves when purchasing face-masks, and two far bigger scandals hanging over the head of the Social Democrats’ chancellor candidate Scholz (currently still Finance Minister), the squeaky clean reputation of the Greens had been a major asset. No longer!