Six Supreme Court judges declare the U.S. a dictatorship
Fifty years after Nixon was driven out of the White House, the U.S. Supreme Court agreed with the Watergate war criminal that presidents can commit any crime they want.
On the road to dictatorship?
Where there is smoke, there is fire, goes the popular saying. Most Brazilians and world public opinion know that Brazil is governed by a man of fascist convictions. Bolsonaro always praises the torturers of the military dictatorship implanted in Brazil in 1964 and regrets that “at least 30,000 subversives” were not shot.
On Walter Rodney’s Legacy: when anger and organising took over
As a founding member of the group, Braithwaite explains that though Rodney was betrayed, then assassinated, his body destroyed and concerted efforts made to tarnish his record, people around the world continue to develop and build on his immense legacy.
The U.S. knew all about the 1976 coup plot in Argentina
“We would like you to succeed… friends should be supported. The sooner you succeed, the better,” U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger said.