The resistible rise of the far right in Europe
In France, the far right is likely to be the leading political force in the European elections of 9 June 2024, and probably the second (or third) force in the European Union. A relatively large number of far right parties are now on the winning side in national elections, and are even taking part in national governments.
From Churchill to NATO: How the West built and empowered Italian fascism
This year is the centenary of the March on Rome, the coup that brought Mussolini’s fascist party to power in Italy in 1922.
Influential DC-based Ukrainian think tank hosts neo-Nazi activist convicted for racist violence
The U.S.-Ukraine Foundation hosted notorious neo-Nazi militant Diana Vynohradova in a webinar this month. While legitimizing Ukrainian white supremacists, the think tank has forged close ties with foreign policy elites in Washington.