Tag Archives | LINKE

  • Berlin Bulletin by Victor Grossman

    Surprise on the left

    Surprise, surprise! Things worked out quite differently than expected at the congress of the LINKE, the left-wing party.

  • Berlin Bulletin by Victor Grossman

    Echoes and elections

    The U.S.-American night-mare, tight-lipped and pouting, was finally forced to gallop off to its luxurious stable in Florida. Almost every European joined in “Hurrah!” cheers as it watched him go!

  • Berlin Bulletin by Victor Grossman

    An icy rally with burning demands

    The survival of polar bears, we know, is sadly threatened. The survival of a more colorful bear species seems assured. HARIBO (an acronym of HAns RIegel BOnn), which makes those little “gold bears” sweets, was founded in a laundry room in 1920.