Declassified memo proves Ethel Rosenberg was not a Soviet spy
An NSA codebreaker’s 1950 assessment reveals Ethel Rosenberg knew of her husband’s espionage but ‘did not engage in the work herself’ — despite this, the US sent her to die in the electric chair, writes ANDREW TUCKER.
CIA targeting smartphone app data
The same agencies that used and abused private user data with total impunity for years are being granted responsibility for crafting their own internal policies for what is and isn’t acceptable to intercept, analyse, exploit, and act upon.
Ecological imperialism and the Canadian mining industry
In 2013, Edward Snowden’s leak of documents pertaining to the inner workings of National Security Agency (NSA) sparked international revelations about the reach and unaccountability of Washington’s international surveillance apparatus. One series of documents that remain understudied, however, concern similar activities orchestrated by the Canadian government.
U.S. gov’t is world’s worst violator of freedom of press, not its protector
From the persecution and torture of journalist Julian Assange to mass censorship of independent media outlets by U.S. government contractors in Silicon Valley, Washington’s attacks on freedom of the press hurt every country and person on Earth.
Daniel Hale sentenced to 45 months for exposing U.S. drones program and kill list
Hale released a total of 17 documents, of which 11 were marked secret and top-secret. One exposed that during one five-month period of the operation, civilian casualties constituted over 90% of the victims of drone strikes.