With zero evidence, NPR suggests Trump may ‘work for working class’ in second term
“Can Trump’s Second Act Work for the Working Class While Giving Back to His Super Donors?” asks NPR.com
Controlling inflation at the expense of working class
ECONOMISTS distinguish between two kinds of inflation: “demand-pull” and “cost-push”.
Pledging “pain,” Federal Reserve declares war on the working class
In his speech Friday at the Federal Reserve’s annual summit in Jackson Hole, Wyoming, Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell made one thing clear: America’s financial oligarchy is determined to make the working class bear the cost of the deepening economic crisis.
Structuring the economy to give money to the rich is inflationary
I just read this NYT column by Bryan Stryker, on how Democrats can win back the working class. I have no idea how its proposals poll, but as an economic matter, they will do little to help the working class.
Who’s middle class?
Of all classes, the middle class is the one with the most people clamouring to be part of it. Many members of the ruling class prefer the label “middle” to one that makes capitalist dominance so overt. Many workers think that having a middle-income job by default puts them in the middle class. And people who want to downplay the working class’s revolutionary potential prefer to say,
Australia’s modern working class
More than 160 years ago, Karl Marx and Frederick Engels, in the “Communist Manifesto,” described workers as those “who live only so long as they find work, and who find work only so long as their labour increases capital”.
Amazon Labor Union and the awakening of the American working class
The United States is the most powerful capitalist nation in the world. Socialism cannot ultimately achieve victory without the success of the American working class. The struggles we are seeing now are just the beginning of the awakening of this colossus that will change the course of history.
Why the climate movement needs the working class
The scale of the climate crisis has driven a new generation of radical young activists to demand “system change, not climate change”.