The Xinjiang I saw was a hub of diversity, not oppression
From China, ROGER McKENZIE witnesses a place where Islamic culture thrives and economic development powers China’s westward expansion—a reality obscured by Western propaganda.
Afghanistan and Xinjiang
I find the best way to understand what happened in Xinjiang is to contrast it with Afghanistan.
The Xinjiang genocide determination as agenda
Because of the world’s fundamental interconnectedness, the increasingly Cold War-like relations between The West and China have negative consequences for both systems and for the rest of the world.
The U.S. is trying to light the match of Islamic extremism in China’s Xinjiang
The information war now conducted by the U.S. against China centers on Xinjiang. Once again, the U.S. uses longstanding problems—such as the rise of extremism in Central Asia (fueled to some extent by the U.S. since the 1980s)—to create problems for its adversaries.