Trade Unionists, Military Families, Veterans, and Community Activists: Demo Graphics Part Two, 24 September 2005, Washington, D.C.

[The photographs below were contributed by the co-chairs
of the Alachua County Labor Party Jenny Brown and Mark Piotrowski and Brown’s partner Joe Courter — Ed.]

Madelaine and Harvey Dennenberg, of Maryland, march with the Labor Against  the War delegation.  Harvey is a Vietnam combat veteran.  Photo: Jenny Brown Madelaine and Harvey Dennenberg, of Maryland, march with the Labor Against the War delegation. Harvey is a Vietnam combat veteran. Photo by Jenny Brown

Members of Transit Workers Union Local 100 (New York) wait for the march to start. Photo by Mark Piotrowski

Cindy Sheehan
Cindy Sheehan waves goodbye to the crowd after speaking briefly at United for
Peace and Justice’s Operation Ceasefire concert. Photo by Mark Piotrowski

MFSO Tent by Joe Courter
The last of several visits by various police entities to the tent of Military Families Speak Out and Veterans for Peace. The dispute was over the sale of t-shirts. Photo by Joe Courter

Bring My Son Home Now by Mark Mark Piotrowski
Photo by Mark Piotrowski

Curtis Muhammad by Jenny Brown
New Orleans organizer Curtis Muhammad, co-founder of Community Labor United, speaks September 24 at a Labor Against the War event at the AFL-CIO headquarters, just before the larger rally and march. Photo by Jenny Brown

Make Levees Not War by Jenny Brown
Photo by Jenny Brown
Norquist Quote by Jenny Brown
Photo by Jenny Brown

Bush, We Don't Want to Pay for Your MI$TAKE$ by Mark Piotrowski
Photo by Mark Piotrowski

Buck Fush by Jenny Brown
Photo by Jenny Brown